Today we had an even later start than yesterday making it down for breakfast around 10am and then out the door by 10:30am. Shannon was making the itinerary decisions for today and our first stop was the Tokyo Imperial Palace Gardens.
We took a train or two to get to our stop and started to walk towards the palace. Once we got to the outskirts of the gardens we noticed a sizeable crowd forming. We were directed by police to make our way around the garden and we walked for about 20mins with the crowd growing along the way. There was a massive line forming down the centre which looked like where we were getting shepherded towards. Before we got too caught up in the throws of it we decided to bail. There must've been some kind of event on and we didn't really want to have to deal with the crowds.
We found the nearest subway and caught the train to Akihabara. We spent an hour or so walking around the place and played a few arcade games. It was lunch time by then but because of our late breakfast we weren't hungry yet. So instead we caught the train to Asakusa.
From there we walked through the market and temple area before making our way to the river. We caught the river ferry to Odaiba. It was about an hour ride and we had a nice table and seats with a view of the passing city. It was an enjoyable journey.
When we arrived in Odaiba it was almost 2:30pm so we decided on lunch in a Japanese BBQ place. It was similar to Korean BBQ with the hot plate in the middle of the table for you to sear your meats. It was fairly tasty but not a great deal of food. There was a nice mushroom soup that came with the set though.
After lunch we strolled around the shopping centre we were in, Decks, and played in the arcade. We also got a purikura together which looked hilarious.
It was around 4pm by then and we decided to go see a movie. The movies didn't start until 5pm so we went to a place called Sony ExploraScience which was an exhibition that played with light and sound and motion. It had some pretty cool things like a smile size detector and a dancing booth where a robot or penguin on the screen copies your movements. It was an hour well spent.
At 5pm we went back down and saw Spectre, the James Bond film. It was okay for an action movie.
We spent a bit of time walking around outside to get some views of the rainbow bridge all lit up and there was also a Christmas light show as well.
From there we decided to go to Ginza where we had a drink at a German pub called Ginza Lion. We were going to eat there but didn't like anything on the menu so we left and found an Indian place on the 4th floor of a nearby building. It's always a gamble to pick a restaurant by just going up without seeing in but it paid off tonight. It was only a small restaurant but the food and flavours were really good. It was a place called Annam and we had a dinner set each that included salad, curry, naan, a piece of tandoori chicken and Shannon got a mango custard dessert as well because he got the bigger dinner set.
All in all we fit in a lot for our last day in Tokyo. And we got back home at 11pm which is our latest yet! Tomorrow we head to Nagoya which I am really looking forward to because we haven't been there before.
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