After a sulky day yesterday for me and the weather; today the rain has stopped... it was 15 degrees today. We finally arranged to see our supervisors at the Universita di Roma - Sapienza (the roman medical school). They were more than delighted to see us and practise their English on us. One of the women is Neopolitan (from Naples) and promises to show us round Pompeii and Herculaneum - our own private tour! We now have multiple museums and excavations to visit and our own little space in the library to work.We are also going to visit Isola Tiberina, a little hospital on an island in the river Tiber, near the Vatican. Apparently it's run by monks!
One of the women who we have to get in contact with is a paleopathologist and works at archaeological dig sites not open to the public and apparently we might get to help with some of the excavation - Cool!
Rather than start working today we decided to take another sight-seeing day and go to the colosseum, roman forum, and palatine gardens (the photos are online). The colosseum is just as impressive as I remember - it's also better to see it when there are less people. The 'umbrella-men' have now taken to selling shawls and sunglasses - Phil thinks they have a warehouse and base their selling tactics on the weather; I'm inclined to agree.
I forgot to mention that I found bottles of 95% alcohol in the supermarket yesterday, labelled highly flammable. I think they would go down rather well with the culture in Glasgow!!!
I've also decided that I really want to go to Florence at some point in the next 3 weeks as well as the Naples trip - may as well make the most of the time I'm here!
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