Had our first day of sight-seeing today after sleeping in till after midday (pretty tired after travelling all day yesterday). The apartment is very close to the Vatican so we went there first and had a wander around St. Peter's square - absolutely massive and so impressive! There was a nativity scene set up next to the obelisk - they obviously don't know that they have to take their christmas decorations down by the 5th January! After being cleared by the fashion police at the entrance to the Basilica - which is ironic considering the Swiss Guard have the most ridiculous outfits - we had a look in the Church itself, which is absolutely amazing! The statue of St. Peter has had its feet worn down to nothing by all the people kissing and touching them for good luck!
After a walk down the Tiber river, which is absolutely disgusting, we ended up in the high class shopping street with all the armani, dolce and gabbana, hermes, prada, dior etc. stores. I think if I'd walked in they would thrown me out instantly! We found lunch/dinner in one of the small pizzerias which weigh your pizza and charge you accordingly!
After a quick glance at the Spanish Steps which Phil was distinctly unimpressed by, we headed off to see the Pantheon. The fact it was pouring with rain meant that the rain was pouring in through the occulus/devil's hole onto the floor, which amused me! Piazza Navona is just next door really and has some awesome fountains adorned with lots of statues.
As the rain poured and poured, we began to realise how bad the sewer system in Rome is and it became more and more like Venice. The weather tomorrow is supposed to be much better so hopefully trips to the Colosseum and Villa Borghese are in order... Ciao!
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