Since I've been in Ireland for a couple weeks now, and being a student I have already learned a lot about saving money, how to save money, and in what ways I should spend my money. It has taken a couple weeks to finally get situated and be settled here- after having to buy bedding, toiletries, toilet paper, groceries and necessities for an apartment that are NEEDED (hence not WANT). And after finally getting my Visa today- I can now begin to budget better than these first couple weeks. Being a college student is hard alone, especially when it comes to budgeting- being abroad is that times a thousand, with a currency exchange rate that SUCKS. With wanting to plan trips and travel all over Ireland and Europe- It's important while being here to not only save money but to also have a good time and ENJOY being here and INDULGE- but also being smart which is key! I've learned that while yes living on a budget and saving money is important, but depriving yourself of enjoying the moment, socializing, or eating out can interrupt your entire experience of traveling- SO DON'T BE AFRAID TO INDULGE! The more you deprive yourself of things that will bring you enjoyment- whether that be going to a pub, going out for lunch, or grabbing a treat at the English market- the more you will indulge when given the opportunity to cave in! THEN YOU'RE SCREWED, STUPID, AND OUT OF MONEY! You CAN INDULGE, JUST BE SMART about what you are spending! This blog is a continuous running list of "saving tips" in which I have already saved money and ways I will save money in the future as an abroad college student on a budget IN IRELAND!
*For starters Let's talk about Groceries- Without a meal plan this can sometimes be tricky for a college student to plan meals, know what to cook, or what to have in the fridge. Coming to Ireland and having NOTHING in the pantry or mom to cook dinner was literally a shock in itself. So here are a few tips for groceries:
~STAPLE ITEMS: These are the items in your kitchen in which you should have weekly- such as your milk, bread, and eggs, and olive oil.
Scope out the places around you where you are living- Here in Ireland Milk is cheaper at the local supermarket "Tesco" rather than at the convenient store, "Centra" while eggs and bread are cheaper at "Centra"!
~FRUITS/PRODUCE: Even though you are abroad, a college student, and broke, it is still just as important to try and eat healthy, or as healthy as you can. Fruits and veggies are a great way for this! Luckily in Ireland, I've come across the English Market here in Cork City- I have fallen in love with the English Market! I have been able to get 10 onions, one head of garlic, 6 oranges, one large cucumber, and two bell peppers all under 6 euros this week!!! THAT'S INSANE! Take advantage of your local markets and farmer stands, because this is a BIG money saver- you can do SO many things with all of those items (student budget healthy recipe blog to come). You will NOT be able to get all of the items you can in the English market in a grocery chain here. Also what is in season is going to be cheaper than what's out of season, such as berries right now!!
~PLAN YOUR MEALS: It is just as important when going grocery shopping to have an idea of what you plan to eat during the week. Going into the grocery store blind is a BAD idea- you will pick up EVERYTHING you MAY eat rather than items you WILL eat or WANT to eat. So before you go grocery shopping sit down and write down a list of what you need for that week. That way you KNOW what you need to purchase and roughly what it is going to cost. Eventually as weeks past, just as I have, you will learn better of what you need throughout the week. You can also plan to make bigger meals so you can have left overs throughout the week if you get tired of cooking all the time. And DO NOT go to the grocery store hungary.. DO NOT. FRIKEN EAT before you go.. otherwise you will buy everything you think "looks good", DON"T. You will go over budget and you're food will go bad by the time you eat it.
Another great tip that I've learned is to RE USE EVERYTHING (not actually EVERYTHING, but you get the idea.)- Here in Ireland when you go to the grocery store you either have to pay for bags or you can bring your re usable grocery bag.. bring the friken grocery bag.. I don't care if it's ugly- it will save you money! These bags are great and you will never have to pay extra money at the grocery store or other stores. Some stores such as centra, or pharmacys will give you a plastic or paper bag for free- SAVE THEM. They are great for bathroom trashcans or to put something in. Also if you buy a box of zip lock baggies RE USE THOSE as well.. if you are just bagging cereal or something to keep it from getting stale- RE USE IT so you won't have to buy them again! Re use water bottles rather than buying them- and FILL THEM WITH TAP WATER- IT IS SAFE TO DRINK! Unless you want to spent 10 euros for 5 bottles.. then be my guest, but NO THANK YOU! Water is water!
~SCHOOL SAVINGS: I've also managed to save a lot with school, considering I don't have to buy books because they are all located in the library that I can use. This saves me SO MUCH MONEY- and the excersice to school to get the book is a plus! I also don't use notebooks for class while I am here, and I refuse to because I just don't want to spend the money on them- We barely have class 8 hrs a week anyhow! So I just use my computer to take notes and it saves me money I'd be spending on school supplies! Also scope out your café at your school or your "lunch room" this is a place you can take advantage of! If there are napkins, plastic spoons, sugars, etc. TAKE THEM! If they are free TAKE THEM! That way you don't have to spend the money on them if you need them later, and you can just collect them in your cabinet at home! Also if you are a student- Use your student ID card to your advantage. Most often than not places around your campus will have offers for students such as cafes, bus stations, or movie theaters. Why NOT get it cheaper?
If you are living in a student accommidated places such as I am use that to your advantage as well. We had a ceiling leak the other day and the warden brought up towels to put on the rugs- he brought extra towels as well. SNAG THOSE EXTRAS! I now have TWO, clean, white gym towels so I don't have to bring my shower towels! If you do need things such as this- GO TO PENNYS! Pennys is a great store with literally EVERYTHING from clothes to linens and towels and shoes- SO CHEEP. If you need a "night out" outfit- GO HERE!
Another Great store here is Euro Giant!!!! IT'S THE DOLLAR STORE OF IRELAND! Buy your toiletries here- shampoo, conditioner, soaps, ect. SOOOOO CHEAP PEOPLE!
~DO RESEARCH: At this point it should be pretty clear that you should be doing research and noticing which places you are going to are cheaper than the others. If you are going on a day trip somewhere look up which is cheaper to take- a bus, train, taxi or to walk- and USE your student ID! I can't say enough how important it is to know the area and places where you are living near so you can spend your money wisely! And if you are going on a trip~ PACK A LUNCH! You just spent money on groceries.. USE THEM! If you are going somewhere to experience the place and culture- then yes, SPLURGE, EAT- but if you are stopping at a quick place.. then pack a damn lunch!
This goes for GOING OUT as well: Yes, we college students LOVE to go out and socialize- it is a must with us, especially in a different county. You want to be out with other people and experience the cultures. DO IT, PLEASE- don't deprive yourself and be miserable- just be wise and SMART. If you are going to go to a pub and have a drink- Fine. Should you go out EVERY NIGHT- NO. Nothing has changed from the night before, and you are not missing anything except either your dignity or gaining a hangover. Find places in which you can ENJOY, not places you go to just to be drunk. Hang out, have a pint over the course of an hour and listen to music with your friends! Or before you go out, see which bars have a coverage charge- that way you are not paying for a drink AND getting in- this is a MUST!! Or eat and drink BEFORE you go out, which will save you LOTS of money. Often times places have specials on certain nights of the week for food and drinks, and special offers at various times- LOOK AT THESE! And if you're American.. you will probably NEVER have to buy more than one drink for yourself in the course of the night- Someone WILL buy you a drink. And ladies- when it comes to the "drunkies" (drunk munchies) STOP SPENDING YOUR MONEY ON McDonalds, Chipsy King, or Pizza- No. This IS where your money is going.. This is why you are BROKE. Go HOME and eat something!!!
Another great tip that I also do while being abroad is sharing some of the expences with another person-Me and roomie Alex share the major necessities such as laundry detergents, dryer sheets, and share here and there our groceries! It's a great way to lessen the cost even just a little bit more!
STEAL TOILET PAPER!!!! (wrapped) ~ Bring a BIG purse.. and just take it! You're dumb if you buy it when you can get it for free!
And finally, the last I can think of for now… Irish Chocolate is amazing…and CHEAP- BE CAREFUL/ AWARE how much a week you are buying!- Just spent 3 euro at Centra on chocolate.. (guilty)!!
There are so many more saving tips, and I will continue to add to this list- I AM SURE!~ SO good luck saving!!!
Until next time,
- comments
Mimi Boy you are sure learning all about li9fe4 honey. and how to manage your money. Learning to save, but enjoy is how to do it and it looks like you have learned that early in your visit. There is still four more months left so learn all you can about the country while also enjoying you trip. Sacrifices will have to be made, but you will know what to do when the time comes. My little girl ids growing up fast. Still jealous though. Good night honey, love you.
Carrie All Lesson I learned at your age when I moved away from home across the counrty to Seattle. I still use them all to this day! Love ya and very proud of you keep the post and pictures coming :)