Today was not a good day. We had a late night with our new friends and a bus to catch to the capital in the morning. Unfortunately Dan became really ill in the night and started throwing up a lot.
The bus arrived early for us which was also not good as I had to try and do everything while Dan tried as much as possible not to move. This is probably the worst thing about traveling with a pre made schedule- although I stand by you get a lot more done in the same amount of time we had a bus to catch and a pre bought night train the day after so we had to get on this bus. Every time we stopped for a toilet break he would throw up and the winding roads probably didn't help, he also was horribly white and I felt really bad for him. As soon as we reached Vientiane I got us a tuk tuk and left dan to sit on the floor with the bags because thats about all he could manage to do. I had no idea where in the town we were and so couldn't really haggle with the tuk tuk driver he charged us about $5 for literally a two minute ride- something that had dan been fit enough we could've easily walked to. O well it wasn't too bad plus dan wouldn't off been able to walk never mind with his backpack, I bought him some coke to try and get some sugar into his body and took Dan straight to bed for some rest. Luckily there's not much to see in Vientiane only some temples which get a bit repetitive and we did actually see them on the way into Vientiane from the minibus so we didn't really miss out.
On top of everything It was a horrible hotel full of bed bugs who then blamed us saying we brought them with us even though there must've been hundreds of them. After requesting 4 times to either be moved or have some spray a woman came with a spray and laughed in shock at how many bugs there were. Luckily one of the beds was OK so we just stayed away from the other bed. It was a rather depressing day. once Dan felt better we went outside and stumbled across a proper american diner which was quite surprising but we both got pizza and Dan felt much better. At night we went out again to try and book a bus across the border because we didn't want to give that horrible hotel any more money after this we decided to eat at a local place because every other place was dead. However this was also a mistake because it was horrible and way too spicy. I think we were definitely ready to leave this place.
The next day we crossed the boarder into Thailand which took less then half an hour! We also had to pay a boder guard like $5 to leave but then realised that actually most people just walked straight past her and ignored her which I wish we would have done! There wasn't really very much to do here because it was just a border town but sometimes its nice not to be very busy and it gave Dan sometime to recover which luckily he managed very quickly. We arrived at the bus station about 6 hours earlier than our train (sometimes we are just too over prepared) and debated about eating here or eating near the train station. We decided to eat at the bus station and found a restaurant but it had no english menu - the woman was really friendly and really nice and just asked if we wanted noodles or rice. She then left the place and I have a feeling she just ordered it from another place rather than bother cooking herself. Her daughter came to have a look at us and she must've only been about 2 she liked to play with dans bag and rest her head on it and pretend she was sleeping. After this we got a taxi to the station because for some reason these things are always miles away from each other in these countries and just waited around the station. I bought us some local food from the shop because in Bangkok when dan did this we got some lovely food- I however got something that looked like pizza but was sweet and had something on it that had the texture of hair. yum. Finally our train arrived and we were on our way back to Bangkok!
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