Took Sach for an early walk - it was only 6am. I bravely removed another van's electric lead so that I could plug mine in to boil a kettle for coffee. No one was awake to ask and, after all, it is etiquette at the aires not to remain plugged in for more than a couple of hours.
Weather sunny again. Set off but after 3 miles took a wrong turn and turned back but Sat Nav took me back to where I had camped. After telling it off I set off again.
Undulating hills at first and then entered the Vosges department which was noticeable with the huge arched barn doors even on new houses.
So many times I have gone to pull in a likely spot next to a field which turns out to be leading to a mountain of silage. I have never seen so much silage about.
Later we entered Alsace and hit the forested mountains and pretty chalets. Reached altitude over 2500ft and it was fun going round the sharp hairpin bends and being overtaken by cyclists.
Am now near Mulhouse which is relatively busy and have found a McD to get wifi. The plan is to head for an Aires about an hour away and then tomorrow I'll be on the way across Switzerland on the way to Italy.
Since writing this I had a problem when the sat nav,which is on my IPhone, blanked. I think now that it hadn't charged although at the time the phone was very hot so I wasn't sure that there wasn't another problem. Either way I didn't know where I was and the Aires I was aiming for, was in a tiny village not on the map. So I was stuffed. Luckily after a while it worked again.
The village is called Montreux Chateau and the Aires is next to a canal with a smooth cycle path. All the cyclists stop at the hut next to my van for a rest etc.. There was a lot of bon jouring.
At first it was terribly hot but by the time I went for a bike ride with Sacha there were dark clouds and strong winds.
Afterwards I made some soup on the induction plate which is so clean and quick.
Now it is raining.
My shoulder is still painful despite taking loads of ibuprofen tablets. The shingles hurt but are not so restrictive.
Should have sent this while I had the chance! Not able get Internet for a few days.
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