Too much exercise (sure it wasn't the beer) yesterday....we all slept in! A quick breakfast then off to St Benoit, just down the road. A hillside-perch gives the town a great view over the countryside. Medievil looking in parts, it had a very nice patisserie that we availed ourselves of....then sat in a sunny spot to devour the goodies. A quick look around the town and a visit to the only hole-in-the-wall before picking up supplies at the supermarket and gazole (diesel) at the garage.
Back to Lignac and another visit to the 'local' for a nice quiche lorraine and a drop of the local vin. Thank goodness this Bistro doesn't observe the 12-2 closedown! Back to John's to hang out the washing while he mowed the lawn, then a little siesta before we took Tom down to the neareast lake at Chaillac for a's 30° clouds, no wind!.....while John had a rest. Very nice swimming spot frequented by everyone. Grown ups sat in the shade while Tom made friends with some English lads in the chilly water.
Sally & Ian made tea while John kept Tom occupied...they're getting along famously!
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