Has been a pretty hot week this week, has rained at some point everyday though, but luckily during our lunch break its been super hot so we all go dive off a bridge into the creek to cool down. Dont even want to think what could be in the water. We know there are sting rays but they only stay at the bottom so as ong as you dont dive too deep its ok.
We have lemon/lime trees around the lodge and one of them had to be chopped down for some reason, so we had to pick all the fruit off it. We´ve been making lemonade nearly everyday since to use them up. Makes a nice change to the usual that we drink which is called refresco. (kind of like orange juice but not)
I was put on collecting palm leaves again this week, bt this time once i collected them , we got to make the roof of the new building on Enriques Farm. We used traditional methods for example using Atadijo bark as rope to tie the palm leaves to the main structure. Really interesting learning about the locals, its great we have so many links with different local famillies, now when im in the town at weekends ill be walking around and id bump into so many people i would know. Very useful when in the market and you dont want to get ripped off because you are a tourist.
I was sent a parcel of Cadburys and other treats from my parents (thanx by the way). They were kept safe in a cooler bag inside my main backpack and somehow i still managed to have an ant attack. The inside of the cooler bag was swarming with an army of ants , had to through it all away
Finally the main event of the week was the Big Loop on friday. We all went for a 6 hour trek round the perimeter of the reserve (should only have taken 4 hours but nevermind). We were split into 2 groups, i was luckily with all my closest friends which made it all the more fun. Animals we saw include: baby fer de lance(v.poisonous snake), slate colored hawk, Brown capuchin monkeys, Yellow footed Tortoise, Grey Brachet Deer, Dusky titis monkeys, Vulutre, Kites and a Tayren. I managed to make a fool of myself as usual. We came up to a big swamp which we had to cross, i luckily brought my wellies along with me so i changed into them. I was near the back so i tried to watch where everyone else stood but they got too far ahead so i was on my own (sarah behind). I submerged further than where my wellies came up to so they were a waste of time. The suction from the mud was so strong took all my strength to pull my leg out. After a few fumbled steps i fell nearly completely under the water (if it could be called water, it smelt and looked like sewage). I grabbed hold of sarah, practically rugby tackling her, pulling her down as she wasnt very steady herself. i was laughing so hard i got some of the mud in my mouth, was not tasty! My foot this time was completely stuck, Eugenio had to come and rescue me. All in all a good day.
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