The drive from White Cliffs to Wilcannia was uneventful.However, the streets of Wilcannia had a couple dozen more people on them than the day before.Not sure if this had to do with the Aborigines being out to watch/listen to Kevin Rudd's apology or just a more normal day than we had seen the day before.The cost of petrol here was the highest we'd seen it at 164.9 so we only filled enough to get us to Cobar in 260 kms.
We stopped for lunch at a campsite/truck stop called Emmdale.It was a shop, which sold petrol as well as food.We drank expired iced coffee (can you believe it Tony?), ate expired Samboy chips and can only assume our sausage roll was in date!
When we arrived in Cobar we decided the town looked pretty good so decided to stay for a couple of nights.We finally did some grocery shopping before setting up camp at the caravan park.
Thursday we spent walking around town following the heritage walk.We only got half way before a hardware store and lunch got in the way.In the afternoon we went for a swim at the local pool.There was also a water slide, which was a lot of fun.After our swim we went back to the caravan park to chill out with a few beers, dinner and a DVD - this travelling is hard work!
Friday morning we packed up camp and headed to the Bureau of Meteorology Met Office for a tour of the site and to watch the weather balloon being launched.
We are currently sitting in the library updating the website, however we aren't able to upload any pictures.We apologise for this and hope to get them up ASAP.We have some great shots - especially of my husband with his moustache!
From Cobar we are heading to the Back o Bourke.
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