From Cobar we headed north to the Back o' Bourke.Bourke is a very pretty old town except for the boarded up shops.It's such a pity that not all locals have the same pride in their town.
We checked into the Mitchell Caravan Park for the night and then headed to the Bowls club where we said we'd watch Gilly's innings in Perth (Australia v Sri Lanka) on TV and then look around town.As most will know Gilly's innings lasted 118 runs.So not long after he got his 50 we decided to go for a walk down to the old wharf.
Walking past the Port of Bourke Hotel we decided to catch up with the cricket as Gilly had been hitting out a bit as per the radio.After an hour in here we decided to head back to the bowls club where we could get some dinner as well.
Whilst watching the end of the Australian innings we purchased some raffle tickets for the ladies section of the club.The prizes were a choice of three meat trays or three fruit and veg trays. The odds where in our favour because there wasn't many people in the club at this stage. We were the sixth winning ticket so did not get to chose - a fruit and veg tray was ours.Not bad for $3 worth of tickets - mind you we did eat and drink a bit in the club.
In the innings break we headed upstairs to the Chinese restaurant for dinner before heading back downstairs to watch the first 25 overs of the Sri Lankan innings before deciding it was time to head back to the camper where we fell asleep while listening to the end of the match on the radio (Australia won).
Saturday morning we packed up the camper and headed east after a quick look at North Bourke just on the opposite side of the Darling.
Driving out of Bourke, David had a sudden urge for some John Williamson and thanks to the Phelan's, we have a double CD of his works and before long we were singing "Every Australian Boy needs a shed"!
We drove through Brewarrina we could see the Darling flowing rapidly.On to Walgett where we stopped to pick up some groceries and have lunch.Both of these towns were picturesque, however they also had a lot of boarded up shops.We got petrol at Burren Junction, drove through Wee Waa and arrived in Narribri.Not knowing how to get to the campsite out of town we wanted to stay at and as it was getting late we decided to set up at the Big Sky Caravan Park in town.
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