Went to the internet cafe to phone home, only really got an hour or so to phone so it's quite annoying. Trying to save some money so we just sat about reading books today and looked into what there is to do in Rotorua.
Next day spent ages doing this bloody blog, the internet is quite expensive in New Zealand so it always costs heaps to sit for a couple of hours and do it. Had a browse around the shops and a long walk along the lake to feed the swans, who are evil. We decided to go to the Mauri Village today which had a stupidly long name, I can't remember it but we took a picture. We were given the gayest Mauri guide even, I was 100% sure he was gay but he had a wedding rings but even still I think he was. He kept telling us how he bathes naked in the thermal pools at 6am, like we actually wanted to know this anyway. We watched a traditional Mauri show with some singing and Haka and the usual stuff, near the end heaps of fat school kids got up on the stage and did the haka, some of them were definitely out of breathe. We didn't do much for the rest of the day except book out white water sledging for tomorrow.
Next day and we got ready to go sledging, Brid wasn't to keen I think but it looked good fun. We were gonna sledge down the same river as the other groups were rafting but we only had small sledges that were about half the size of a normal snow sledge. We got kitted out in our wetsuits again and headed off to the river, when the guy was explaining it to us it sounded pretty dangerous. If we didn't go down the rapid and the right side or angle we'd get minced pretty much. First rapid and Brid went first, she got totally nailed and came flying off her sledge, somehow she managed to keep hold of it, I came down 2nd and only just managed to not come off, when I seen her face after the first one I thought she was gonna cry and didn't think she'd do the rest, even though there was no way to get off. She came flying off at the next 2 as well, we also got to surf the rapids which was good fun until the board got caught by it and you went flying.
At the end we got to jump off some cliffs as well which was a good laugh. It was a wee bit of a rip off though as we weren't in the water that long and it wasn't cheap either. We had a shower and checked out the photos they'd taken, decided not to buy them this time as they weren't that good. Wasn't much to be done that night, we went and played in a massive kids park for a while like a bunch of idiots, but we could never get on during the day as it was so busy.
Today Brid did her Zorbing, I decided not to do it as I didn't think it looked that good plus it was pretty expensive. She opted for the wet zorb, the course they sent you down wasn't that long but she says she enjoyed it anyway. After the Zorbing we headed off to do the luging, which Brid kept calling the Lurging. We took the gondola up first and made our way to the start of the track, if you'd never been down before they made you do the beginners track which was good but full off kids. We then did the advanced track which was good, you can get up a fair speed on the luges. The 2nd time I went down I got stuck behind some stupid Jap girl who kept braking like a proper woman driver!! I also managed to flip the bloody luge by going round the corner to fast, luckily we didn't get chucked off.
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