We landed in Adelaide and picked up our hire car from the airport, turned out to be an alright corolla which seemed brand new. We drove into the city centre and found our hostel, seemed ok but the kitchen was one of the dirtiest we've seen so we gave it a wide berth and went out for food. We wandered around the city for a while before headed back to the hostel and into the bar for some booze, had a pretty sweaty sleep as there was no air con in the room.
Next day and we headed to the migration museum as we'd heard it was free, it turned out to be pretty good and some stupid kids who were on a school trip entertained us by answering questions with some of the stupidest answers we'd heard since New York.
Next we headed up to Mt Lofty which has a look out over Adelaide, it was 36'C so we didn't last long on the top of the hill and the flies didn't help either, there wasn't too many in Melbourne but there seems to be millions of the bu*gers around here. Next off to the beach to have a look, wasn't the nicest beach I've seen and we couldn't be bothered sunbathing so we decided to head off towards the Great Ocean road, we drove about 4hrs to reach a place called Robe, we ended up staying in the Robe YHA where Brid got speaking to two folk from Cork, I couldn't understand a bloody word they said so I just did the smile and nod most of the conversation.
Next day we drove around Robe for a wee bit and sat at the beach for an hour or so and took some pics, on the way down the road we drove through a ton of small towns none of which I can remember. We had planned to stay in Port Campbell that night but the place was tiny and we couldn't get a hostel room anywhere so we stayed in some wired place down the road, we went back to Port Campbell for dinner before heading to see the 12 apostles on the coast, we got the around sunset and the flies were unbelievable, we lasted about 30mins before running back to the car to get away from them.
Next day and somehow the flies were worse than the day before, we stopped at all the view points along the way, including the lighthouse they used in Round the twist which was a kids TV programme, the bu*gers were charging 15quid to get in so were trekked up a hill and took some photo's from there, we thought the flies were bad before but here they were worse, we could barely breathe without eating about a billion of the little bu*gers. On the way back to the main road there were tons of koalas hanging around beside the road so we stopped to take a couple of pics of them before heading back up the road.
Stopped in at a town called Lorne which I thought was funny. Bought some supposedly world famous steak pies which were good, next we headed up to Bells Beach where supposedly the end of point break was filmed but it really wasn't, most of the towns around here are all surfer town and are home the home of rip curl and billabong.
We drove into Melbourne and after a fair bit of faffing around we eventually ended up back at the house, we still have the car till the next day so we thought we'd go to some of the shopping centres tomorrow.
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