Up early thins morning to drive to the terminal to catch the ferry to the south island. Ferry left at 7:30am and luckily it was quite a nice day. It got a wee bit rocky half way through but it didn't last long. A bunch of Army folk dressed in fancy dress were on the boat and were oddly trying to get us to join up, giving us tons of stickers and stuff. Headed through the Marlborough Sounds and eventually made it to Picton, we wanted to head east but the roads were only headed south, we took a massive detour just to get to a town that wasn't far away from Picton. Eventually made it to Nelson and went into the information centre to get some info on walk through the Abel Tasman park. Woman told us to take a taxi boat for an hour and have an easy walk back so we decided to do that.
Headed off to Marahau to the start of the park to find somewhere to stay. Met a guy walking along the beach who was nice and his wife was from Glasgow, he invited us to camp on his front garden and seeing as he didn't seem half as mental as the last guy that asked us we accepted. Pulled up at his house and once again we were invited in to meet the wife and kids, they turned out to be really nice and even gave us some alcohol and let us play cricket in their front room with the kids. Off to sleep for the early start the next morning.
The folk were stayed with had an orange and lemon tree in the front garden so with permission Brid stole 1 or 2 or 20 pieces of fruit from their garden. Jumped on the boat and headed on along the coast to get dropped off, stopped at split apple rock along the way, annoying they didn't let us get off and take pics inside the rock but we thought we'd come back later on.
Bloody woman at the information had told us it would be a nice easy walk, turned out we had to walk 21miles to get back to the van, we were both pooped by the time we reached the car park and not best pleased. Even though we were knackered we headed down to where the split apple rock was but the tide wasn't out far enough so we couldn't get out to the wee island. Fed up we headed south a wee bit and accidently camped in a campsite without paying. We sneaked away in the morning so no one caught us.
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