We camped at a campsite about 6km outside Queenstown, beside a lake. No one was around collecting fee's so once again we decided not to bother paying. We didn't plan on doing much today but there is another Gondola and Luge thing in Queenstown and I wanted to kick Brids butt again. The luging track wasn't as good as the one in Rotorua, it was allot shorter and you couldn't go as fast. I still managed to beat Brid even coming of the track once by celebrating to much, it was even caught on film by the guy at the desk, I thought id get chucked out for messing about to much but luckily the guy found it funny. Had a walk around town and figured out when I wanted to do my bungy jump, i'm still trying to convince Brid that's it's a good idea but so far she's having none of it.
Queenstown would be the best place in the world if you had an endless pot of money, there are about a million and one things to do here but some of them aren't cheap. We walked around the gardens in the middle of town for a while then decided to head for a fergburger, pretty much everyone we've met has been going on about these things, supposedly they are the best burgers in the world. I had a cheeseburger and Brid had a chicken burger, they were really good but to say they are the best in the world i'm not sure. Didn't do much the rest of the day expect laze around in the sun reading our books, we found a DVD rental place that did casual rentals so we hired a couple of DVD's and ended up watching one or two that night.
Up early and into town to use the internet to phone home. Spotted an advert for the British Lolly Shop in an information guide so we headed there, they had the best collection of sweets, an even Irn Bru. I bought some mint muchies and Brid bought a dime bar and some toffee poppets. Stayed at a campsite that night so we could wash some clothes and watch some TV. Met a couple from England that we got speaking to for most of the night, was finally good to talk to someone, Brids banter s getting seriously boring!! I have decided tomorrow I will do my bungy, still doesn't look like Brid will do one.
Next day and back in the internet to phone home. Headed off in the direction of the bungy shop and booked it. I was crapping my self a wee bit, we booked it for 12. We headed out to the bungy bridge, luckily the English couple we met were going that way so came along and offered to film it on our camera. While we were at the desk the girls somehow managed to convince Brid that she should do it. She didn't seem pretty keen, but she was worried I would give her grief for the rest of her life so finally decided to go for it. She wouldn't do it on her own so we went for the tied together bungy. Brid's face as we were getting strapped in was funny, I thought she was gonna cry at one point and she wouldn't let go of the bar at the edge. We finally jumped, Brid didn't want to get her hair wet so we didn't go into the water. Am glad I did it, and would love to do another one now. For the rest of the day we watched DVD's and read our books.
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