Landed safely in Auckland , passed through security without any problems, i managed to get a longer visa than Brid so she must look well dodgy. Waited for the bus as the immigration guy told us the price of taxi's was really expensive. We waited out side the terminal for 20mins and jumped on the bus to the town centre, we had pre-booked a hostel already. We dumped our bags in our room and seeing as it it was 6 in the morning and we wern't tired we had a walk around the city centre. Went for some hot chocolate and the town slowly got busier. If there wasn't a big sign saying "Welcome to Auckland" at the airport you would have thought we were re-directed to Asia somewhere, Auckland is full to the brim with asians. Aucland is strangly identical to any city in the UK which is strange and they even have chippers which i was pretyy excited about. Went back to the hostel and spoke to some of the folk in the dorm before jet-lag set in and at 3:30 i was out for the count.
Next day woke up at 5 in the morning, tried to get back to sleep but couldnt. We planned to go to the zoo today but i rained alday so we decided against it. Instead we preiced around for a campervan, we want to either go round both islands in the van or just one and use the buses for the other. As it was sunday some of them were closed, most of them seemed to be pretty similar but just to be sure we didnt book anything. Went to the supermarket and bought a ton of food, the restaurant prices are about the same as home so we wont be eating out much. Got a ton of laundry done but the tumble drier shrank heaps of my clothes. Again the jetlag was kicking in and by 8:30 i was out.
Next day and the weather was looking allot better so we decided to head to the zoo. Caught the bus there and walk about 5 ins to reach the zoo. We spend about 4 hours there, I was ok by zoo standards but not the best. There was a funny Meer cat tunnel you could crawl about in which was good fun and we did spot a monkey cleaning another monkeys butt. We headed back to town and checked out the campervan places that were closed the day before, we decided on the Jucy campervan as we bartered with them for ages and got a decent price, we had originally planned on just getting a month but during negotiations Brid decided she wanted it for 2 months and I didn't get much of a say. We pick it up at 10am tomorrow.
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