Toe-fur... stop giving out about my sister shopping!!!! it's an art form which takes years of training to master. you should be appreciative that she is so talented!!
hah!!!!!!!!! miss you both
Loser and Dyl say hi!!!
sis xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Your Favourite Aussie
brid your only upstairs and i just said goodnight to you but nevertheless HAPPY BRITHDAY!!!! but really i think the day after is like a hundred times better
Unca Brian
hope you two are having a ball
ps Happy Birthday 25 year old
bloody hell thats really old isnt it?
Linda Dawson
Hear hear fingers oot
frae yer auntie Linda
Dunn's Da
Himmin, This site is dying a death, get the digit extracted and get some stuff on, we are all dying to get the next installement of the dynamic duo.More photo's also required, your oot o the will unless you get going
Mikey Coulam
Hey guys,
Sounds like you did not do too much in Chile and my brother ha 7 days off there also so would of been good if you got in touch and he would of took you snowboarding and his girlfriend could of looked after brid and showed you some really cool stuff in the city like what i seen! he longs to meet other loons!!
Hope you have fun in New Zealand would recomend the the caves you get all kitted up in wet suits and go through huge caves with glow worms and madness mazes through them and all sorts! Also Chris dont be a wimp and jump off the Aukland sky tower it a right laugh! you can get a great photo of it as it stops where the cafe is!!
Take care and have fun mate.
too make you feel even better i spent my birthday in a surge can chipping out 3 tonne solid cement!! haha
No.1 Dunn
shock chris has been taking pictures of monkeys picking eachothers bums, nothing changes!!! Tracey says you look like you're 9 with your hair, and you're a goon. get on skype soon, i'll try and get archie to say hello!!
Take it easy
Marie And Nana
Hi Chris and Brid, keep the blogs coming as they are only source of entertainment in Baku. Miss you loads your lovly auntie and nana. xx p.s. love all your photos and yes Chris you are in need of a haircut, but you still look gorgeous. :)
Marie And Nana
Hi Chris and Brid, keep the blogs coming as they are only source of entertainment in Baku. Miss you loads your lovly auntie and nana. xx p.s. love all your photos and yes Chris you are in need of a haircut, but you still look gorgeous. :)
Big Sis
Tatti-muncher??? Chris-toe-fur......... you should be proud that anyone would think that you are gorgeous ena fabulous enough to be Irish!!! Must be the hair!! Gak!!!!
Look after my sister!!!Keep the blogs coming. gives us mortals in the working world a laugh!
Hi, missing the laughs from your blog!!!! Where are you now? Keep up the blog it makes my day Sad person that i am.
Love yer ald auntie linda
Gillerz!! Big G, Scotra!
Well kids!! ive been routin through your blog thingy and its rockin!! Lovin the trekin around and funny stories! well im hittin greece on friday!! woo. not a patch on new z lo! But itl be my turn next year!! mu ha ha!
OH the mug shots of you two munters cracked me up....i let a loud one go (laugh not fart) ha ha.