We arrived in Santiago around 3:30pm and jumped into a taxi to the hostel de Sammy, it was recommended to us by some other folk we met in Peru. The guy had two cool dogs, a small golden lab and some other thing, I didn't know what it was but it looked nice. The place looked pretty good, heaps of stuff for wasting time. We headed off into the centre of town but seeing as it was a Sunday it was pretty deserted. Went and had a burger king as we hadn't seen one for ages. Santiago seems like quite a nice city, allot cleaner than some of the other cities in South America. Headed back to hostel via the supermarket, the restaurant food in Chile seems really expensive so we decided to eat in the hostel instead of eating out all the time. Ended up having a bowl of cheerios for dinner as we couldn't be bothered to make anything. Watched a couple of films in the TV room before heading off to bed.
Next day we pretty much did nothing, wandered around the city again, phoned home and watched films in the hostel most of the day. Made mince and tatties for dinner to which some snotty nosed American girl who was a veggie looked at our food and said
"What is that?"
"That" is normal food you freak!!!
She seemed like a bit of a dafty, especially when she told us that she was in Chile to tech Yoga to homeless children. I tried so hard not to burst out laughing in her face, I'm sure food and warmth might come higher up on a homeless kids list of things he wants than blo*dy yoga, a proper twat!!
Next day and we got up early (again) to go snowboarding, we were picked up at 6:30am and headed off in a minibus to collect our gear and head up the mountain. We didn't arrive on the slopes until about 11am which I wasn't happy about as we had to leave at 4 and it wasn't cheap either. I hadn't been snowboarding in about 3 years and brid hadn't been before so we both decided to get a lesson. It was pointless me doing it as it was all beginners stuff but brid got allot from it. I went away on my own for a while until brid finished the class. I came back and tried to convince her to come down one of the smaller hills with me. She got on allot better than the other folk in her class so I thought she's be ok. She could get up but couldn't turn very well so she just ended up on her butt allot of the time, usually falling pretty hard on it as well. It took us a good 30mins to get down to the ski lift at the bottom and she didn't want to go again so I went off on my own for a wee bit to try some of the other slopes. It was getting really cloudy during the day and a couple of times you couldn't see 3metres in front of your face, I wasn't sure were I was going half the time.
About 1hour 30mins later I went to find Brid. I went down to practice area and she was standing there looking sorry for herself. I tried not to laugh when she told me what happened to her but it was a struggle. When she came of the ski lift got lost 20feet from the practice area as it was so cloudy, she took her board of to walk but lost her board which went flying down the hill. She went after the board but got lost and had to be rescued by the mountain rescue guys, she was about 30metres from the ski lift when the guy found her. He gave her a map and took her back up to the lift area. 4 pm came and we headed back to the lodge to meet the rest of the folk and the van home. In the van Brid realized she didn't put any sun tan lotion on and her face was bright red.
Got back to the hostel and moved into a dorm instead of a private room. 2 girls Donna and Kelly in our room, seem like a good laugh, talked to them for ages then made some food and headed to bed pretty tired.Next day and Brid's face is scalded, and every American in the hostel thinks they need to tell her every time they see her that her face is red. Had breakfast which was homemade pancakes which pleased Brid, the American owner is a bit special me thinks and brid reckons he likes routine a bit too much!!. He is really anal about some things, this morning at breakfast one of the girls who worked there cut his "special" loaf he makes himself. Once he realized someone had cut it squint he hunted us down and asked us who cut his loaf, weirdo!!
Again we did absolutely nothing expect watch TV and eat food. We have been on the go for ages now and are enjoying doing nowt. Had a good laugh with the 2 girls in our dorm again and that was about it really.
Next day and Brid's face had gone down a little bit, a bit boring but again we did nothing, Tried to do some laundry but the woman at the laundry place was a bit weird and told us it would take 3 days!!!We are flying to Auckland, New Zealand tonight at 11pm so we organized our stuff and threw out heaps of crap we collected along the way. Munched some more pancakes and then headed off into town to post some stuff home. Had a cultural McDonalds on the way back to the hostel. Sat and watch a strange documentary called Zeitgeist or something with a Canadian guy, it was pretty good and just mocked Americans most of the time which is always funny.Our taxi picked us up at 7pm to go to the airport. Had a while to wait there but we just messed around on the massaging chairs for ages. We leave Santiago on the 5th and land in Auckland on the 7th which is weird; we will only be away for 363days then.
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