Andrew B
WAKE UP WAKE UP...........YOURE IN LONDONDaylight saving has started here.Blog...........need blog...........and photosHave a huge rest, then you can explore and have fun again.
A well earned respite - you've been like a Whirling Dervish!! We all love reading your blog and discuss it at length. So what's next? Any ideas/plans for what you want to do/see in London? Are you heading back to Cardiff? Does Capt. Jack know?..And if the little Doc is so clever with all that time travel stuff then how come he hasn't whipped you back to Cardiff when the good Captain is around...could it be jealousy?Hope you had a great sleep and are ready to start whirling again...or you could just be a London local for a day and hang at Meagan's, you know, take it easy and recover proper. xx
Ditto what Andrew said........More blog, more blog.....just love reading them.....and its great to see you still having so much fun.The dogs are cool....running around the yard and eating well.Keep having fun mate......xxxxx
Andrew B WAKE UP WAKE UP...........YOURE IN LONDONDaylight saving has started here.Blog...........need blog...........and photosHave a huge rest, then you can explore and have fun again.
Daryl A well earned respite - you've been like a Whirling Dervish!! We all love reading your blog and discuss it at length. So what's next? Any ideas/plans for what you want to do/see in London? Are you heading back to Cardiff? Does Capt. Jack know?..And if the little Doc is so clever with all that time travel stuff then how come he hasn't whipped you back to Cardiff when the good Captain is around...could it be jealousy?Hope you had a great sleep and are ready to start whirling again...or you could just be a London local for a day and hang at Meagan's, you know, take it easy and recover proper. xx
Phyll Ditto what Andrew said........More blog, more blog.....just love reading them.....and its great to see you still having so much fun.The dogs are cool....running around the yard and eating well.Keep having fun mate......xxxxx