Landed right on time. 3.15pm London time.
Huge airport!
We grinned and walked for miles to get the the Passport check/Entry area.
We convinced ourselves that the pilot had just parked at the wrong gate.
Had to wait for over an hour in a huge queue that was just not moving to enter Britain.
It just snaked around and around and around.
There seemed to be only a couple of people processing us.
Ok, then more arrived and we finally bolted to the luggage pick up at 4.40pm.
There were those forlorn cases, just going round and round... ( with everyone else's who was still in the queue.)
Spotted Emily's grey case near us. She grabbed that, then took off like an Olympic sprinter to save my red case from disappearing round the back again.
So then we raced to the exit.
We were meeting a transfer bus man.
And we were very late.
We had rung him from the queue ... Long story.
So we raced.
Out the gates.
No man with a sign with our name on.
Finally spotted having a coffee.
Then he told us to sit.
Left the airport at 6pm.
At the Ibis at 7pm.
Just that final little bit was just a bit too much.
Hey, we're here. We want our hotel now, please.
Showered, out the door.
b*****. I had printed a map just for this occasion.
Left it in the case.
I was very unhappy at this stage.
How on earth did you forget to grab that!
All my planning, gone....
But I did know the general direction....
Then Emily spotted a bus map, and yes !!!!!!!! we were on the way to Tower Bridge.
10 minute walk, I think. Still a little uncertain.
And there it was.
Tower Bridge and The Tower of London.
Fish and Chips sitting gazing at The Tower of London.
Not bad.
Not bad at all.
- comments
Greg You haven't wasted much time ! Getting straight into it - well done !!And only Friday night I was dropping you at the airport .....Have fun. Looking forward to all the updates.
Andrew Browning Great start.
Andrew Browning Great Photo.
Connie Hey I saw that pic before - Emily practising............If she's wearing the same close as 3 days ago I'm glad it's you travelling with her........ lol Why is it you can make the most mundane of tasks sound so amazing - I love reading this blog (and Roger's.....can't leave him out) Like Andrew I too have been bragging - my friend Carolyn is on her 3rd trip abroad.....blah blah blah..........I love that I can get just as excited as you - minus the cost - lmao Enjoy all the sights and keep sending the Photos - Love em.
Andrew Browning Hello in London!!!!! Well you’re not wasting any time, out and about already.Sorry about the queues, that will be a passing thought…………’re in LONDON!!! Great work with the cases and bus map Emily. WOW…..Tower Bridge and The Tower of London on your first day……..that’s terrific time management!!!! Weather looks good, short sleeves I notice, not like Melbourne 10 degrees today. Yep, not bad at all, fish & chips in London with The Tower of London to marvel at – Great start.
Amanda Hi Carolyn, Great start indeed!Jet lag, what's that?I hope Emily can keep up with you :) Your Both in London! Yeah....................!