I woke up with a pigeon at the end of the bed, thankfully he knew the way out, all I needed to do was flick my leg. Of course I was up hours before anyone else - the heat had me up and functioning while everyone else remained liquified on their mattresses the floor strewn with bed clothes and pajamas discarded through the night. The room didn't get below 30c over night.
We didn't leave the room until 11, the street already melting we thought the metro would be the perfect antidote.We were heading to the left bank and eventually Jardin du Luxembourg. The metro had other ideas though - we boarded two trains each of which disgorged their sweltering contents after a pleading sounding announcement, we worked out there was something or someone on the tracks ahead. Nearing an hour since we entered the station Gab hatched an alternate plan to criss cross a few stations and 15 minutes later we emerged in St Germain. B-line for the corner brasserie, even a 1664 couldn't repair the agitation. A short stroll and we entered the grounds of the garden, instantly cooler and more relaxed, Fid had us heading straight to the pond.
Gab & Boo found a perfect spot by the pond in the shade of a palm planer. Back on the metro Fid had pronounced "That's it, not more ham & cheese, I'm sick of it, I'll eat anything else." by the time he was looking at what was offer in the boulangerie the devil he knew won out. We had our picnic in the shade, Fid scoffing his as quick as he could to get to the boats - minutes later he was away. He ran around the pond for an hour, making friends one by one until he'd enlisted his own little gang conducting an America's Cup across the pond. At least it sounded that important as they ran and shouted their way around for an hour. It could have been more, I drifted off to a blissful snooze in the shade :)
Whenever it was we were ready to move we headed back in to St Germain stopping for drinks in the shade every few blocks - definitely more on drink than food today! After our earlier fiasco we decided to take a taxi up to Montmartre. Not a day for climbing we took the lead from C'était un rendez-vous and got dropped off right at the top. We've never made it up here before - what a view! We walked around for a little, boo bartered for trinket Eiffel Towers with the North African guys - though in the end accepted their initial offer :) The two of them have fixated on the gypsy and pick pocket threat, constantly eyeing any meandering people on the street who happen to look our way. Fid was so obsessed he wanted to get things out of his pocket and into a little day bag he could clutch in front of him - that or he just wanted to buy something, we were in the perfect place for it.
All bagged up we paused in our 8th corner brasserie for the day before heading back into Montmartre proper and strolling the cobblestones. Our 27minute walk back to our hotel would have run closer to an hour and half at the pace we were going, but we stopped for dinner on the way getting us home closer to 10. We'd hoped a fan would be delivered today, but no luck. Gab got on to it and had one here just as we all started the evening melt back into bed. Tomorrow will be 39c, exciting!
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