August 5 - 11, 2017
Weekly mean temperature: 55-64 degrees
Saying for the day: Do everything with a good heart and expect nothing in return and you will never be disappointed.
5th: Clay and Charlie come for our usual fish feast. Fresh tuna and shrimp on the grill. Fun pier walk and seeing loads of Halibut being cleaned and filleted.
6th: Walked to the pier and did a video of our whole walk with the boats, the crabs, the people, the tuna. Don't miss the video under the Video Tab
7th: Charly has a fall and breaks both bones badly in her lower left leg. Surgery, a rod in one bone and lots of pain. Hurry and get past this Charly!
8th: Stopped for a couple things at WalMart and Marge slipped on a grape and went down on her right knee. We weren't sure for awhile if any damage. Spoke with the Asst. Mgr and filled out some paperwork and went home. Decided to wait til morning to see if a Dr. needed.
9th: The Asst. Mgr calls at 9:30 to check on Marge's knee. It seems fine, no Dr. or X-ray needed in our estimation.
Had Clay over for grilled burgers and pineapple pie today.
11th: Such a foggy morning, we can't even see the bridge it's so enveloped in the fog. Clears about noon.
How long staying: 3 more days
Next stop: Crescent, Oregon (Traveling through DUCK Headquarters)
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