I'm back, but just to warn you that I'm not feeling very chipper and that fact may be reflected in my writing.
Problems abound at New Hope and Globalteer. For those of you who don't know the set up, Globalteer is a UK based charity that places Volunteers at one of 3 projects, New Hope being one of these projects. We are currently getting lots of criticism and negative feedback from our Globalteer volunteers. Alan, the manager of Globalteer, has raised these points with both Rosanne and myself and quite honestly we are both cheesed off, disappointed and upset by the comments.
Part of the problem is that if you get one whiner, it quite often rubs off on others and affects their otherwise unbiased perspective. My main gripe is the lack of communication - how can we possibly be expected to fix problems when we are unaware that they even exist? My mind reading powers have seriously failed me recently. A lot of the criticisms are being received anonymously after the volunteers have left..........astonishing. Not only is this spineless, but moreover it indicates that they may have spent up to 8 weeks here being miserable. Even when we have spoken to volunteers just to check that everything is going ok, we're getting back nothing least not to our faces! Personal slights aimed at both Rosanne and me also seem to be the order of the day! How dare they? They have no idea what we do or what our background here is and what we pay to stay at Globalteer House and what we do 24 hours a day really are none of their business.
I have a vision of how I would like New Hope to be running, but this is maybe slightly idealistic and if we get 80% of the way there then it will be a major achievement. Until then, people need to accept that this is the way things are. This is Cambodia, a 3rd world country, not the Western world. You need to have patience, be flexible, have initiative and basically just get on with it as best you can given the resources that are available.
Anyway, rant over. Glad to get some of that off my chest! Thanks for listening!
- comments
Corrie Klaver Hi Sherry, How are you? I've read your blogs and it is fantastic to read what you going through. About the above blog: here can I be brief, people like you and Rosanne are very important to an organization like New Hope. it is always sad when no one dares to give constructive criticism and only post negative comments. Such people will always exist. I believe that you and Rosanne are fantastic girls who are doing a lot of good for the children from the slums. I have seen that with my own eyes! Excuses for my bad English if there not correct grammatical sentences. I do my best. I had a great time in Siem Reap and it was very nice to meet you. I miss New Hope and the lovely children allready, but is also good te be back home. Thank you for our conversations (it was good for my bad English) and do greetings to Rosanne. With love, Corrie (aunt of Rosanne)