I know I haven't seen/spoken to you for awhile but this is still a bad confession. One diary says today is your birthday and the kitchen calendar says tomorrow & now I'm well into my forties I can't remember what day of the week it is let alone any occasions. So.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAREST SHERRY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. Best to be early than late !!! Hope you have a really enjoyable day. Loads of love, the Balsoms XXX
happy mothers day............ had two rows before 8.30 in the morning!!! all settled to watch the grand prix. I have three grandchildren this week as Steph has gone off skiing. I watched Daniel do his maths homework - online - how things have changed. He got it all riight and pressed on a button to show off his homework history and lost the lot!!! Florence announced over dinner (when my daughter Sophie had a few mates around that she wanted to impress) that she doesnt want to marry a boy she wants to marry a girl! Four year olds!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All done......internet behaving today.
AAARGGGH..........Sorry there are only 2 photos on the new album, bloody internet not playing. I'll try again tomorrow.
Happy 4th Birthday to Baillie and congrats to Lee & Sarah!!
Joan W
Sherry dear, I do so enjoy reading your blogs. I am glad your health has improved. I think you are very brave. I will be sending a little something with mum for your birthday with my heartfelt good wishes.
Love Joan
OK........who gave me 2 stars for my last blog!!!!!!!!!!???????? Be brave and own up.
Mum......you are too old to be shagging anyway!!!!!!! And as for dad.........well, enough said. Have fun at the seaside. S xx
I hope you realise JT stands for John Terry and not Jill Trailor! Off to seaside. Haven't been for three weeks. xx
JT shagging (sorry Jill) one of his friends(and teammates) girlfriends getting her pregnant and persuading her to have an abortion. He tried to get a gagging order to stop the press printing it - which was his downfall, he didnt get the order and the press not unreasonably turned on him! His wife is apparantly divorcing him and his run off to Dubai with their twins for now. Looks like he may very well not be England captain come the world cup.
I have spent today doing boring carpet cleaning with the rug doctor its amazing how much filth there is in my carpets!!!
I have to go to work tomorrow. Not good.
Suzanne - I watched the tennis. What's John Terry been up to? Maybe I'll Google it. Feeling OK. How was Florence??
Jen - I dream of cold feet!!!!! Lee's also had a bad tooth. Weird.