Well, I'm finally here and I have to say it's been a bit of a shock. The flooding is really bad and as the plane came in over the province all I could see was water with the odd tree poking out here and there.
Anyway, back to the beginning. I flew out of Gatwick late on Tuesday, had a 2 hour layover in Dubai then flew on to Bangkok. Emirates proved to be every bit as good as Singapore Air and I wiled away the hours watching The Wrestler (not too sure about it as can't get past Mickey Rourke's plastic face), My Sister's Keeper (tried too hard to pull on the heart strings, but better ending than the book) and State of Play (not as good as the BBC series it's based on with John Simm in......drool).
Arrived in Bangkok to rain which continued unabated until the next morning when I left again. When I checked in with Bangkok Air I was informed that my baggage was 10kg over.....ooops. Luckily it only cost me 20 pounds to get it loaded and so the kids will receive all their goodies.
Rosanne had texted me in Bangkok to tell me that Siem Reap was flooded, but little did I know that it's not just a few big puddles. She was at the airport to welcome me back and the tuk tuk journey back to the guesthouse was pretty eventful and very wet. The river through town is up about 10 feet and has burst it's banks and large portions of town are a few feet under water. Our road is waist deep in places and if you don't want to wade, getting anywhere is proving to be a bit of a nightmare.
Thursday evening we managed to find a mad, brave tuk tuk driver who was willing to take us into town and it was great to see friends who live here and have my obligatory chicken Amok and Gin Fizzes. We even made it home in one piece, if a bit the worse for wear.
All the projects are closed due to the water and so spent Friday unpacking and not doing much at all and then got cabin fever and headed into town for coffee with Rosanne. Journey in fine, journey home included tuk tuk becoming waterlogged at the end of our road and us having to wade the final leg.
I'm really worried about everyone at New Hope, although I think they are quite high in comparison to the river. The problem is that there is nowhere for the water to drain to and 2 days later the levels are still rising, despite there having been no more rain. The whole area is incredibly flat and everywhere is saturated. Many homes are 3 feet under water and the stagnant water is soon going to become a major health risk, especially for the kids who think it's hilarious to be playing in it. Hun Sen (corrupt Prime Minister/King type person) is doing nothing so far despite people already dying and the future problems that are inevitable when the diseases start. Don't panic mum, I've had all my shots!! There has even been a rumour going round about crocodiles escaping from the croc farm..............
This rainfall was a result of the tail end of the last typhoon that hit the Philipines and Vietnam and the major concern now is the new one that's on it's way. Thankfully it appears to be heading north from there, but having checked the BBC weather website we are due much more rain. So looks like we may have to hunker down and count ourselves lucky that we aren't living in the villages and countryside where it must be absolutely miserable at the moment.
So it's 'Welcome Back' to this sweaty pit for me at the moment!!
As Rosanne keeps saying........Just remember Sherry, it's an adventure nontheless!!
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