Nearly another week has literally flown by!I feel so happy right now and I think I've had a pretty exciting /busy week so far..
As Sunday (30th march) was going to be my last full Sunday in Toronto and at the Planet Traveler - I promised everyone that I would make proper Sunday lunch with roast beef and yorkshire pud!! Johann and Lorena had never heard of Yorkshire pudding, Deb and Trim had only had it in London (pah!!! As my Grandma used to say - if you don't live in Yorkshire; you can't make Yorkshire puddings!! Haha!!), Shannon and Rachel had it before but their description of it worried me so I decided I do Sunday lunch the Yorkshire way - and we had to have it in the evening so that we could all be there!! Haha!I was undecided about cut of beef to get but after taking advice from my mum I settled on braising some stewing steak in the oven all day - yum!
The meal consisted of; YP's, beef, carrots (of course - lots of carrots!!), broccoli, mangetout, roast potatoes and cauliflower cheese (i've never done it before and quite honestly i made it up!!! no recipe - i had a rough idea!! worked well though ha ha!!!)I had considered apple crumble and custard for dessert but there wouldn't have been enough time or cooking utensils…..or space in anybody's belly!!!! Haha!
There are no YP trays at the hostel (funnily enough) so I had to do them in a big tray - giant Yorkie Puds!!I really didn't think the first one was going to work, however…it rose like a dream and it wasn't a fluke - the second was even better!!! The tray was big enough to make a pudding that we could all share - I was cooking for 7 and then Anthony called round during the day and commented on how nice the meat smelled cooking in the oven…. So I felt I should offer for him to join us - the more the merrier!! So there was; Deb, Trim, Johann, Lorena, Shannon, Lady Rachel, Me and also Anthony.Selena was over at Trevor's.
The meat was amazing; really tender and for the first time ever I managed to have everything ready at once!! Yey!
I have never heard them all be as quiet as they were when eating that dinner - and they all had empty plates!!! Even Lorena who is only little and doesn't eat so much!!!! Success!! I was actually really very proud!! We all enjoyed having dinner together - it was really nice.
Then......Shannon, Deb and Lorena did the dishes and cleared the kitchen - what did the guys do??? Well they sat at the table and played on the computer…while eating all the leftovers out of the dishes…of course!!
But….. when they had cleared the leftovers and the ladies sat down with a brew - Johann went to the sink and did all the remaining dishes that had stuff dried and welded to the sides - god bless him!!
Shannon had bought ice-cream sandwiches (remember them from when I was little - mum used to get them!) and then we all sat down together and watched Dirty Dancing!!!!! We had such a nice evening - it was the perfect end to the weekend.
I had never realised how 'English' gravy was - Johann and Lorena didn't know what it was and when i served it Lorena kept calling it sauce!!!! Before i served food i kept saying - wish my mum was here - her dinners are always good - not sure what this one will taste like!!
Johann loved the meal - he was so impressed - he wants the recipes so he can cook it when he is next in Holland!!
Earlier in the day Johann and me still got our Sunday run in! It was a bit more leisurely than previous weeks and we were chatting all the way round - about everything, family, friends, work ,ambitions etc. We have agreed that in the future we will buy a house in Italy - one in the north and one in the south because we both want one so we figured that if we both get one we can swap and share!Good Plan!
When we sat down to eat i was telling them all the history of the YP and how it is traditionally (or was) eaten on a sunday etc. and was originally a meal for the poor families who bulked up the dinner with the YP because they couldn't afford enough meat!I was also saying how my grandad used to eat his Sunday dinner, have a nap and then go to the pub!! That was funny!
Johann then said…
'You are very proud of your family aren't you??' -
'Yes Johann i am - I really am…'
Thought it was nice that just from listening to me he knows that.I find that most people pick up that we are a close family - but yes i am very proud of my family too.
Johann has become a very good friend, so have Deb and Trim and Lady Rachel and Shannon! I'm a lucky girl.
On Monday evening I went to be a hair model!!About 10 days ago I started to get really fed up with my hair - its nearly 13 weeks since it was cut - although I have done a bit myself it really needed a good allover cut.I knew when traveling on a budget I couldn't afford an expensive do!!!Greg has cut my hair since I was 8 years old and the only time (at uni) I ever trusted another hairdresser - it was a complete disaster and I hated it!! So where was I going to go??I knew Greg was Visal Sasson trained so I googled 'Vidal Sassoon' hairdressers in Toronto…. It turned out one of their main salons was in Yorkville (Posh shopping area) Toronto - that's so funny I thought!! Haha - like im going to be able to afford it in there!! Anyway - out of curiosity I had a walk up there just to 'enquire' about how much it would be!! I ended up having a consultation with a colorist first of all to see what I thought I wanted top do with my colour!The Creative Director was in the salon that day and came to have a chat with me about my haircut - but she asked me if I was a hair model - I said 'No'… she then said…"but you are a model - right?"Haha - NO - I laughed!!!! Well… she said - you're obviously very open about what you have done - right??? I said 'yeah - I just need a haircut!!' She then invited me to a model call the following week at 6pm. The Company bosses were coming into Toronto to deliver the Spring/summer 2008 collection and would need suitable models if I was interested?? She also said that even if I didn't get chosen at the model she would still cut my hair if I let her do what she wanted!I agreed - a freehaircut - perfect!!! I thought I had to pay for my colour doing and then I would get a free cut.So I booked in with the colorist for my colour doing - which was last Wednesday (26th march).I didn't have to pay!! I was down on the computer a s model! Brilliant - I was really pleased with the colour aswell - Kim did it, she was good.
So I went back in on Monday evening as arranged.I then realized how big a thing I had agreed to!It was a proper 'model call'. The big wigs from VS were coming - the top dog cutter and top dog colourist. There was about 20-25 girls there all sat in various chairs in the Salon and they were waiting for the 'big wigs' to arrive!! I started to think maybe I shouldn't have done it, some of the girls reminded of the tv programme 'America's next top model'!!! Anyway - I took a seat and the 2 'important people' arrived Keith (stylist) and Jon (colourist).They were really nice - Jon was infact English!! They went round everyone looking at their hair etc and having a little chat.They really were nice guys and my fears of any arrogance or prentence had gone - they even seemed to know names as they were going round (presumably from the computer).They chatted about hair between themselves and then had a chat with the salon director (Lorraine - the lady that invited me in).They then approached the 4 girls that they had decided they wanted to use…. I was one of them - apparently both Keith and Jon had said 'I like the blond girl'… I think I should take that as a compliment!
So.. on Tuesday I had to go back and was there from 2pm through til 8.30pm!! Again - it turned out to be a slightly bigger event that I was involved in than I had realized!! Im so slack sometimes!I had to go in for my colour doing (again - they wanted to change it a bit), then get half the cut done and then………go and have Makeup put on ready for the evening demo/show!!!! It was in the demo/show where Keith and Jon recreate the catwalk collection so that is when they finish the styles and talk through what has been done.2 of the other girls had to get colour finished at the show and me and another girl had the cut finished and then we got photos done!!!!!!While I was there I felt really excited - although I have no real desire to be a 'model' the experience was a good one - it was nice to be fussed over and when Jon was doing my colour he was really chatty - really nice guy.He has lived in Canada for 24 years now - he hasn't lost his accent though!He said it was nice chatting to me and meeting me - which I thought was nice because he must have to converse at length with people all the time.He is 50 and now has wife and 2 boys.His wife is a personal Trainer too.He was funny though because he hates exercise!!!
Oh my hair!!I love it! Even though it has got a violet streak in it!
The cut is great - really short. very short at the front, but still with some weight and length on top and nice a short (close to my head) at the back!I wasn't convinced when Jon said he wanted to put violet through the middle of it but it works really well with the blond.My famous 'side bits' have gone!Its funny how I had become quite attached to them and people always seemed to comment on them!I now just have one sidey!! On the left side comes down to a point and is violet - looks like a lightning streak! (It is only short though); my other 'sidey' is gone!!
When I eventually got back to the hostel everyone said they loved my hair - even though the wind had restyled for me on the walk home!The wind had really got up; to scary levels!! Haha!
I also have got a hair contact for Vancouver!!! A lady called Trisha - used to work for in the salon but moved to Vancouver - so she has her own salon.It was a fun experience - totally unexpected!
I seem to have become known as 'The little English girl' too - wherever I go, that's what people have started calling me - its funny - I kinda like it!! At the gym, in the hostel, in the market!!! Its funny how people who don't know each other all call me the same thing!!!!
My membership ran out at the gym on Monday (31st march) as it was the end of the month so when i went in on Sunday and scanned my card a little warning comes up on the computer that i need to renew my membership; the girl at the desk said 'oh i'll just have to get you to speak to a someone about it.Previously when my card had caused problems Sam (one of the sales managers) had sorted it all out for me.
So i popped in to see Sam; 'hi , how are you , whats going on??!!'
i said 'Oh Sam im causing problems again!!'
'Oh no your not' he said - 'you're never a problem!'
I explained the situation and he checked the computer and said
'Oh yes - you cancelled and so its just to let us know that you have 1 day left - but there is no problem - you're good until tomorrow'
He then asked when i left Toronto - I told him a week on Monday (7th April) but i cancelled because it was the end of the month. He whipped out a business card and wrote - 1 week free pass on it!!!
'Oh sam!!' I said 'Thank you so much'
'No problem hun - you're a nice person and its a pleasure.. if you ever come back to Toronto come see me and we will sort you out a good membership' was his reply!!
I think that's a really nice gesture - it is a friendly club.I can't believe this is my last week in Toronto and how busy it is!!
Selena's concert was last night, Shannon's birthday dinner tonight and party on the patio tomorrow night!
The sun is shining and its warm; we think Spring may finally be here!
Thinking lots about all my family and friends
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