And finally the weather starts to get a little better! The sun has been out for the last 3 days with not a cloud in the sky. It kind of feels a bit more spring like now i think because the sun has some heat in it! When i stand in the sun i can feel the warm - the wind is still chilli though and i can definitely tell when im stood in the shade! On saturday night we all sat down together and watched a movie - 21 grams - it was quite good although it took me about 40 minutes to realise how the plot was working and coming together. Ive never really been in to movies in a big way but a movie in the evening is the way it goes over here in the winter as its usually so cold that we don't venture out so much!! I am getting more into watching and understanding now!!! I have to admit though i still have trouble sitting still for 2-3 hours at a time!! On sunday morning the sun was beaming in through my bedroom window when i got up. After breakfast - despits not having my training partner (Johann) i went out for a run. It was definitely a day when it was a sin to be in! I ran further too and also did the 'lampost running as i normally would with Johann! For the last mile i ran as fast as my legs would allow me - i think some of the people in the street thought i was totally crackers! It was nice though as i saw loads of other people out running - everyone waves or says hello - its like a little club!! haha!! There was also not really any wind - only down on the harbourfront (which i would guess is always there!). It was a good run and the weather made it so much more enjoyable!
After lunch - i couldn't stand to be inside with sun being out as it was so i went out for a walk. i went down to 'Exhibition Place' (next door to where i went to see the hockey). There is a big art and design show on down there called "One of a Kind" - its on every year and it brings people from all over Canada into Toronto just for the event - apparently its huge. Anyway - Shannon - who is studying Jewellery design at 'school' had 3 pieces of Jewellery put into the show (which in itself is a massive achievement) and she had sold 2 out of 3 pieces of Jewellery! Go Shannon!! The show runs over 5 days. I think it is a little bit like the clothes show at the NEC in Birmingham but for arts/crafts and clothes design. I walked down to see the show and to have a look at Shannons remaining piece, but it was about 4.20pm when igot there and the whole place was closed!! There was about 5 other people there wanting to get in aswell - we all guessed it must have closed at 4pm for easter Sunday!! I had just seen a girl leaving aswell with loads of bags - she must have been buying!! I walked back up to the hostel and enjoyed the rest of the sunshine - it was starting to get a little colder!! When i got back Dominic and his brother Maurice had made dinner for us all as they were leaving on Sunday night (Maurice) and Monday afternoon (Dominic). They had made a huge lasagne! It was really good and it was so nice for us all to sit down and have dinner together - just the 'longtermers'!! I can't believe how much food Lennart, Dominic and Maurice eat!! They each had 3 full platefuls of lasagne!!!!
I have worked all day today - Selena is exhausted from doing late nights getting stuff ready for the concert so she 'clocked off' and i took over at about 1pm (i started cleaning at 11am) so i have had a busy day - cleaning and doing the other hostel bits!! When i finished i went and sat outside in the sunshine with a cup of tea!!! haha!!! We have a bench just at the front of the house and its a little bit sheltered so i could just feel the heat from the sun - its a sun trap!! I only had my tshirt on too!! (oh i just realised what i wrote - i had my trousers on too - but my point was that i could go out with no coat on!!) so... i am wondering if spring is here??......
I am also wondering what all my family and friends are upto...hope they are all well
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