Well i'm here!!
Nothing much to tell at the moment as i've only been here for 1 day.
It's cold; -12, wind chill -22! but its beautiful and its sunny too!
When i was back in Manchester airport, wen through security, had bags scanned - everything was fine. Then about 10 minutes later there was a call out over the tannoy for Natalie Hardaker to go back to security!! Oh 'eck!! wondered what was going on! Id had all medications taken out of my bag to go through the scanner and i forgot to pick them up!! typical!
I made friends with the man sat next to me on the plane too - lucky he didn't hit me really - when the food came we had mackrel salad for a little starter - with a fresh lemon - so i squeezed my lemon on my sald - except it didn't actually go on the salad it went on the man sat next to me!!!!!!!
I haven't changed my clothes since i got here though because british airways lost my back pack!! haha! i have been assured today that my bag is now in Canad and will be delivered to me over the next couple of days!! I stink - all my toiletries are in my backpack!! Don't worry been out for some more today!
There is a big Winter festival here next week - it will be really good, looking forward to it. Staying at the planet traveler hostel - very cool - lots of coll people (myself included haha!!).
If you work at uclan - the pink hat you got me - it's doing the job!! I look pretty cool too!!
Take care everyonexxxx
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