Oh me oh my!!!! Life is so good to me! I really am a lucky girl!! I had a really nice birthday on monday - Selena bought me Sushi and i had a bottle of Rose! Lady Rachel bought me some devil juice (vodka). My birthday was made so perfect by all the lovely messages from everyone i love. On Tuesday night i went to see .......Dirty Dancing at the theatre!!!!! My favourite movie ever on the stage!!! It was totally amazing. I went with Deb, Adele, Lady Rachel and Renee (Lady Rachel's friend). We all had dinner together first at the hostel - we got take out from the 'rice bar' which is where Daniel (son) works - he is the chef! The food was fab and he on extra!! We walked down to the theatre and got there in perfect time to find our seats and get sat down! We had got tickets for the 'cheap seats' up in the gods - $30!! I though maybe we would have a poor view or that the stage may be far away - but the seats were great - we had the back row of the gods and the seats were on a fairly steep slope so the people in front didn't obstruct the view and because it was a fairly small theatre we were close enough to have a good view!! woo hoo!! Being on the back row also meant that if we wanted to stand up we could without being in the way!!! I started to take pictures of the girls with their tickets but one of the ushers came and told me off because no photography was allowed!!! He then apologised and laughed cos he thought we should be able to take pics of people just not the stage and performance! i think he could see how excited i was too!! haha! He was pretty cute though so i took another photo and he had to come back over - he was laughing though - said he would throw me out and i wouldn't get to see the show!! so i sat down and behaved! The whole performance was perfect - the stage, the props, the characters - "Johnny..." oh yeah!!!!! They even did the scene with the lifts in the water - cos "thats the best place to learn lifts" haha! It was great they used a sheer screen across the front of the stage and projected a filmed river onto it. Baby and Johnny were behind the screen (dry) and did the lifts and the moves as if they were in the water - they had to pretend!! it worked! Everyone of the classic lines was in and spot on! Also the clothes/costumes were perfect, I was a very happy bunny!!
Naturally i had to go to the merchandise stall after the performance! They had dirty dancing everything - tshirts, bags, compact mirrors, badges, umbrella's - i wanted it all!! I got a bag and some badges! I couldn't believe it was 11.30pm when we came out of the theatre - must have been a 3 hour show! Lady Rachel and myself were hoping to get to the cd release party and meet Selena - but we were too late really. It would have been great but i couldn't ask for more out of one evening!!! Happy happy happy!!
Sarah and graham arrive today and im really excited - its going to be so good to see them, I love them; i love everyone lots and hope they know i am thinking of them
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