I feel sad that i am leaving Toronto in 2 weeks, I can't believe all things ive seen and done and learnt already - and the people that i have met, i will be sad to leave them. Im still in such an early part of my trip though i wonder what else is to come! I feel i have experienced 'city life' and enjoyed it but as i move on i am going to see the Canadian countryside/wilderness, which i am excited about. I was in a thoughful kind of a mood last night and as i fell asleep realised how much i have learned about 'people' and about myself! I don't know if i have changed since i left home - but when Sarah and Graham were here they said that could see a change in me - but a positive one - that was so nice and it made me feel more confident about myself and the way that i am. I realised that i have come out here on my own and i only have me to by with - i have come into a new environment and been myself and always been happy - and stupid as it sounds people still want to be friends with me! So i think that is why i have come to feel more confident about everything, its funny though because when i was at home i never felt particularly unconfident (or so i thought).
The weather is absolutely beautiful today and i am working - so i will get to go outside too!!! The sunshine makes such a difference to everyones mood - it does create the illusion of being warm though - and when i step outside it still a little fresh!!!
Selena has invited me to go to her mums with her for dinner tonight - she says she is an awesome cook - which i don't doubt she is! However i know that Selena and her mum did fall out a bit last week and im not sure if i should go - i think it is important that she maybe spends sometime with her mum and sorts things out - especially before her big concert. I don't want her to think that i just don't want to go though - and experience tells me that she might read too much into it if i don't go!!!! I will have to think about it through the day!
I think i need to go and do some washing and get dressed!
Thinking about my family and friends lots and lots
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