Oh my word - i am the luckiest girl ever! I have just come to write in my diary and i had some more messages left for me. I think a lot of everyone i have in my life and its so nice to know that htey are thinking of me too. Knowing that people can and are reading this as im going round is great - its like carrying everyone in my back pack with me!! Goood grief - i couldn't do that with all the stuff i have in there at the moment, i keep thinking i'll dump some stuff - but im way too tight for that - i spent hard earned money on those possessions. Well it friday night (again - where do the weeks go) at the hostel last night, so it was pastalicious friday!! I was working all day and Selena had to leave early- she usually handles dinner and i just chop some veg or something useless like that - so last night i was in charge of feeding folk! Typical the hostel was fullest its been since i got there and also the owner of the hostel - Anthony - was joining us for dinner! Anthony traditionally joins his hostelers for friday dinner and a few beers but he has been out of town for the passed few weeks.
I had to boil 2 pans full of pasta - one pan of water was boiling a good 10 minutes before the other so half the pasta was cooked a lot sooner than the rest! The spicy italian sausage and sauce to go on top was fine but there was so much of it that it pretty much filled the pan. Then i put the bread in the oven and forgot to turn the oven on! hahahaha! So all in all it was a typical me sort of procedure - however i recovered well, Lady rachel came and poured a tonne of salt into the water to lower the boling point and get the remaining pasta to cook! So i cranked up the oven temp and turned it on. We gathered everyone in the kitchen and while they were all getting pasta and sauce i was able to get the bread out a bit at a time and serve all fresh in the basket hot and cut! yum! I then sat down to eat my own dinner and as i reached for the butter knife to get some butter for my bread...idropped it, it flipped off my plate onto my lap with the butter and some of my dinner! erm...hello my name is Natalie i have some problems - but hey im trying to deal with them!!!!hahaha!! That was the first time Anthony had really met and spent any time with the person he had recently agreed to employ in his hostel! All in all everyone said dinner was great and when me and Lady Rachel had finished cleaning up the kitchen with massive help from Deb Anthony said we were pretty awesome! Cheers! Deb was so funny too - she washed up and Lady Rachel dried while i cleaned the kitchen and put stuff away - so Lady Rachel had put some of the pans on the top after drying - i clearly wasn't quick enough and deb must have been in that zone cos she washed the pans again as they fell into her reach!!! so before she realised what she'd done Lady Rachel and myself pushed some more her way...she nearly washed them again and again!!
its only 10.30am, i'll have to write some more later on i think. Need to get some more postcards - but i think 2 i sent have gone astray, which is not good, but i do hope everyone knows how much i love them and eventually i'll get post to everyone!
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