Well, i really wanted to write on this yesterday as i had so many things in my head that i was thinking about but i didn't have time in the end!
I had a really good end to the week and a great day out yesterday. Worked on friday 3-8pm, Danny and Elaine were teaching me loads of 'new skills'!! There is sooo much to remember but im really enjoying learning something new. I now know how to make the house blend, Columbian and the flavoured coffees! They have also taught me to clear all the food away in the big walk in fridge and to alarm the building and lock up for the night!! hmmmmmm im not sure if im going to be locking up at the end of some shifts - i can see me getting stuck in the building because once the building is armed i have to get out of the fire exit turning the lights out within 30 seconds! Oh dear!! haha!
I didn't have time for my tea at work on friday, i get fed everyday and its good food too - really nice. Its just as well though because friday night is pastalicious night at the hostel - we all have dinner together and its free!! yey! I was just getting in from work and dinner was 5 minutes from being served - awesome timing - i was starving!! Its all about teamwork in this hostel we all a few drinks too - so as i had my coat on and being the kind of gal that i am i did the booze run to the liquer store!! i think this particular friday i played an important role!!!! Sometimes people end up in 'Ronnies bar" a local haunt just up the road. So far i haven't been to ronnies - but me thinks its on the cards! Playing at the hostel is always good though and when the temperature is down at -10, once im in i like to stay in!!! (ooo im getting old!!). There is another party brewing too - im excited!! haha! Selena was away this friday - she usually cooks dinner, so this week Daniel (son) cooked it. It was really very nice, Ray helped him out though and cooked the pasta - it was in solid lumps haha! it still tasted good though. Couldn't get a small portion though had to have big limps - ah well - not a problem!
So on Saturday (yesterday) a few of us went to 'Look out point' on Lake Ontario, its about 40 minutes away from the hostel. It was soooooooooo beautiful! Another good day for the weather - totally clear blue skies with the sun and plenty of snow!! yey!!! There was Deb & Trim, Lorena, Johann and me. We went on the 'streetcar' they're like trams that run allover in and out of downtown Toronto. Then we had a little walk down to the Lake, Rachel had given us all the directions - recommended us to go. She said we would passed the car-park where everyone drives to in the evening to 'make out'!! haha! fortunately we didn't come across any that day! When we got down onto the Lake, all the trees and plants had an ice coating over there branches like icicles and they all twinkled in the sun, it was really very pretty. When we got down to the lake the water was such a deep blue color - i've never seen it like that before. In the summer that area is like a beach i bet its stunning and the water did actually look quite inviting!!! Might have been a bit cold me thinks!! haha! Johann, is the tallest person i have ever met (stands at 202cm), he's so funny; the snow was mid calf to knee deep in most places where it hadn't been walked on and he was running through it all - it was dead funny to watch cos his legs are just soooooo long its unreal - of course i also had to run through the virgin snow - with a little less ease!!! i could hardly get my legs out of the snow - they were going out to the side like a proper lady run!!!! haha! As we got round the far side of the Lake there was an instant change in the weather - there was a wind cutting straight across from the lake and it was sooooooooooooooo cold! I couldn't believe how much of the City you can see and look back on. I think i will take Sarah and Graham out there when they come to Toronto. We started to head back as we'd been there a good hour! Just as we got to the streetcar stop..... and a streetcar went by!! we were concerned at the time as they run every 12 minutes. However 12minutes came and went, no streetcar - 24 minutes no streetcar!! the sun has just about gone down and oh man - its was really really cold, the wind was also deciding to blow!!!! Another 12minutes went by and no streetcar!! The sun had completely gone!! me and Deb were trying to catch the last bit of sun but it wasn't working!! My hands and fingers did what they do best - how cold! Then a lady stopped in her car and wound her window down to let us know that there had been an accident and 3 streetcars had been held up! She told us to walk round to the big loop where there will be loads of streetcars. By this time we were all so cold we could hardly move - god bless Johann - he led the party on Singing and dancing to keep us moving and laughing - we had to walk about 10 minutes to the loop, Deb and Lorena and me couldn't feel our faces!! We did however get to a nice WARM streetcar going in the right direction!!! When i took my gloves of my fingers were actually black, they were all so sweet cos they haven't seen that before and were really concerned!! i had to explain that it happens every other day!! Oh it was o good to get home, but i didn't dare get a shower for o good 2 hours as i didn't want the hot water to hurt!!! haha! what a wuss!! Great day out though!
There is a very strange guy staying at the hostel at the moment - i know i shouldn't judge, but he just seems very strange, i didn't want to say anything to anyone cos i didn't want them to think that i am being funny - but it has since come up in conversation that everyone thinks he is just a 'little bit f*&king strange', in Racel's words! I feel better now. Although i still had to see him go from his room to the shower in his big white undies, grunting!!! Everyone is aware - i feel protected!! He leaves in 2 days - thank goodness!!!!
Need to send some more postcards this week i think! Monday is a Bank holiday over here - its the first time it has been so in this province - it's 'family day'. Poor Rachel still has to work though and only gets paid normal time!!
Hope everyone remembers how much i love them
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