I have just seen the cutest thing - I have just walked back to the hostel from downtown and there was a 'walking' school bus on the move. The kids must have only been about 3-5 years old. We have had a massive snowfall here these last 2 days and it is nice and cold again so the kids were all togged up - snowsuits, snowboots, big hats and big mittens - half of them couldn't move, bless them so the 'school bus' was going very slow! haha! they all looked nice and warm though!
Because of the massive snowfall the ploughs have been out regularly to clear the roads, but its so funny actually crossing the roads because the snow is deep anyway, but its been pushed to the kerb and is even deeper and where the sun has been its melted a bit so there are big snowy puddles, go up to about mid calf height. Watching everyone look for the best route across the road is great and we all just look at each other, i have just seena business man in his city suit slip and fall and lose his brief case - it wasn't funny... but it so was!! he was totally fine and laughing too though! Then a girl slipped too. If i go i won't get up again! Alady just started talking to me walking on the road back because i had my Jim morrison badge on my little rucksack and she saw it, started having a chat about 'The Doors' - she said i was too young for them!! haha!!! doesn't stop me listening to them loads.
Oh wow - i can't believe its been nearly a week since i last wrote anything on this - my travel journal. The days seem so full and go by so fast! I got back into Toronto on Monday (4th feb). The weather was ok - just a bit wet with a bit of snow around which was melting - oh no!! I did the same stupid thing though and walked back from the bus station to the hostel with all my baggage!! I think i was hoping there would have been some kind of training effect from the last time! haha! I have to say i did manage to pack my backpack a little better this time! I got back to a warm welcome anyway! i really like everyone that is staying here. i was upset to here though that on Saturday i had missed out on THE biggest snowball fight at the hostel!!! Typical of me to be out of town for that!
I also missed Selena's birthday on Sunday (3rd) but its ok because we are having a party on friday (tomorrow) we'll have to celebrate again!!
Last night we had a massive snow storm, i have never seen anything like it. it had snowed and been very cold from about midday. Then by about 6pm it had became very thick and heavy - the snowflakes were the size of my head!! ...and then... there was a huge flash, we all went and stood in the doorway to watch, then there was some thunder and more flashes, really really bright, with a purple tinge and with the snow being so deep and still falling it was even brighter. It was amazing - proper weather!!!!! Dominic has a super fancy camera and took some really good pics so when i eventually get some photos and videos on this diary i will try and get some from him.
Selena is organising a benefit concert to raise money for local community development projects. She is trying to get support from local independent businesses; either sponsorship or donations for the auction and raffle. I went out and did some canvassing on Tuesday for her in St Lawrence market. Its not as good as Kensington market or as big, but i liked it and i hadn't been down til then. It has loads of fresh food stalls and then some little arty stalls too. I really enjoyed myself going round talking to all the local people and i was pretty successful too in getting some donations. There was one guy who has a stall selling canvas and photographic prints. His images are stunning. They are all of nature and wildlife. When i got talking to him he was saying that he takes all his own images. Basically he goes off travelling to wherever he fancies to get some images and then produces them and sells them. Not a bad job!!!! He had some really good images of polar bears, he was telling me that the best place to go is Cochrane to see the Polar bears. Its better than churchill and is about 500km north of Toronto so i'll have to look into that. Anyway he donated 2 large canvases to the auction! very generous!
I ts nice to have this 'blog' and get messages from people. I think about everyone constantly and hope no-one thinks i have/will forget about them, i think i'll have to send some more postcards. Emailing is harder than i thought because an hour passes by so quickly and i might only send 2! Hope everyone still remembers how much i love them. Photos and videos on here is my next big project!
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