Sunday 13 September
We need a locksmith, Mal chimed in for the nth time. Col had tried to get out of the camper and somehow caused the lock to jam and we could not get out of the camper.
After trying a dozen times, Sue donned her cat burglar suit and climbed out the kitchen window. Mal and Col sang a modified version of the old Beatles song, "She went out through the kitchen window"
Sue came around from the outside and unlocked the camper with the key and we were all free again.
We ate breakfast outside and then we went on the grand tour of the local sites.
First we headed North to see Victor Creek and Finlayson Point. Finlayson Point had some amazing rocks - not large but small and finely detailed.
We dropped down to Seaforth Creek and then back to camp for morning tea.
We then headed over to Halliday Bay, which was Golf Course central - the beach was OK but all in all it did not get a great rating from the team.
Then we headed to - drum roll - Ball Bay - now here is paradise - it has a beautiful campground, an awesome beach with the massif of Cape Hillsborough dominating the South Eastern skyline. At the Northern end of the beach there are interesting rocks for Mal and the campground was swarming with butterflies for Sue. This is one of only a few select places that might lure Mal and Sue to an extended stay at the beach.
We drove out to Cape Hillsborough - it was crowded and the caravan park looked like a big 4 job - unappealing in short.
We drove back for a late lunch and in the afternoon we went out to Redcliff Islands. What a treat just beautiful how the bar arcs around to the inner island and the eroded cliffs are an inspiration to any landscape photographer. We walked all the way out and Mal had time to knock off a couple of sketches and of course a few photos as well. Sue and Mal came back with pockets filled with coloured stones and shells and bits of driftwood. What a treat.
The highlight was of course seeing Wedding Cake rock, a small blurey rock way off in the distance that Col was very excited about - so we waxed lyrical about the majesty of the small smudge and Coil was kind of appeased but I think he really knew we were not serious. I am sure up close it would be impressive BUT.
We had a great meal and Mal played the guitar back at the camp and we all had hot chocolate - yum yum.
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