The Police officer looked down at me and frowned.
"So Will, I may have to charge you with littering, if you keep laying around on the footpath!"
I looked up slightly perplexed, "have I done it again?"
How embarrassing.
The second visit to the Blue was different than the first. At least the transition was different and took much longer. I think this was intentional on behalf of my mentors, for mentors they had become. I droned through time as Hobart flickered in and out of focus below me. I can't say each vision was equally spaced in time as the sea levels rose, inundated parts of the locality and receded. I saw fires and I saw snow storms and floods that washed the city.
Early on the city was well lit at night, a glistening jewel on a dark velvet background. Some would like to think their name was up in lights for all eternity, alas eternity is a long time coming. Most aspirations don't last as long as the owner might hope. Later on, when the transitionnights did flick into view there were less lights, less dazzle, less self promotion and finally just inky shadows from the moon light and a soft cool shining on the harbour.
What had happened during the 80 millennium that had flashed before my eyes? The question was stark in my mind as I stepped off the small vessel and approached my hosts.
The journey through time over a fixed locality provoked many questions. What happened to all the people? Did they die or just move away? If they moved away, why and where did they go. I knew from my first visit that the atmosphere was still breathable. So while the climate seemed to have changed during the millennia it did not seem drastically different in the distant future. What ever the doomsayers of the 21st century had predicted had either come and gone or never really happened.
Did my hosts know what had happened or to some extent, were they hoping that I had answers to their own raft of questions? I was to find out later that while they had exhaustive facts about the past, they were aware that often the perspective on those facts had not been adequately quantumised. Lots of facts still required substantial subjective context to be rematerialized.
There has to be some new names, after all here are times that have changed a lot of things.
Consciouseens or consciousopes or consciousans, what do we call these new identies that are really not strictly lifeforms and not really robots and not cyborgs? These are the end product of the singularity project. Here we have self conscious identities that have left behind the primal slime from which humanity emerged and prospered for awhile.
Maybe Conscioufex might be a name for my hosts, denoting their role of making consciousness much like plants make energy through photosynthisis.
The Conscioufex turn sunlight into consciousness and it is with this consciousness they build themselves and shepherd the material world. Given there is no sex required between Conscioufex identities, that takes away a major source of motivation and conflict which existed for us humans. So as this understanding of their existence was gradually transmitted from my hosts, it was causing me to reflect widely on humanity and the assumptions that had driven my life up to that point.
I don't understand quantum mechanics and some say if you say you understand it, then that proves that you don't. Well as that may be, the Conscioufex obviously were living the quantum dream because their whole existence was the quantum realm life size.
They could transform their material bodies from particles into waves and back again. They could turn me into waves and back again. They could turn the world we know into waves of energy. On this second visit we had a long exchange about quantum reality. Yes I knew nothing and they were masters of the quantum, conscious universe. It was through this capacity that the following observations were made duringthis period of my life.
Quantum scientists in our time are grappling with Newtonian physicsthat in ways seem to be turned on their head. They are running experiments that make my head spin. Particles that turn into wave patterns when someone is measuring wave patterns. The experiments get so complicated that really it is necessary for the non-science person to simplify the implications.
So early 21 century, in brief it seems that at the minuscule quantum particle level consciousness impacts on how energy/particles manifest. Sometimes as material particles and sometimes as waves of energy.Some quantum scientists were starting to rethink the driving forces of the Universe as we know it. Some had the audacity to speculate on a conscious universe.
The Police officer helped me up, I was a bit shaky.
"I'm taking you to the hospital, if you have another turn when crossing the road, I may have more paperwork to fill out than I care to think of."
I nodded and mumbled thanks.
He didn't turn on the flashing blue lights and it was a quiet ride over familiar streets to the hospital.
The dreams, oh the dreams, so real and yet unbelievable. The back of the Police car was bringing back this other reality to me.
Don't climb ladders when you are over 60 I hear my mother lecturing my father. He was still on the roof at 85, 10 years after Mum had passed and he never fell. That is right, it had happened, I had fallen from the ladder when I was up cleaning leaves out of the gutter. I only have my wife's side of events. I was unconscious.
The long and short of it was that was when I suffered a broken leg and some brain injury. It was after the falls that the dreams about the future started and they were so real that I started living this double life.
We had been on a camping trip to the Kimberly, not long before the fall. My head had a thousand questions about, human migration to Australia. You know; like who came first? When did they arrive? Were the aborigines that greeted white migrants from England the direct descendants of the first migrants or were they just a previous migration that wrestled the land from those who had come before them?
Maybe they were the direct descendants, undiluted from those first brave souls. Then again the likelihood that no subsequent migrations had taken place over a period of 60 to 70,000 years seems so highly improbable that it is hard not to consider the possibility of subsequent arrivals.
So maybe the events that followed my head injury all stem from those questions whirling around in my head.
My wife says that my head was always poking it's nose into every topical issue that turned up on our door step.
The orderly at reception, helped me from the backseat.
"You take care, Will, I don't want to spend my whole time driving you up to the Hospital!"
"Thanks." A self conscious smile crossed my face as I looked into his face.
There below his officer's cap were a pair of dark brown eyes. I hadn't noticed before. There was a sense of humanity in his demeanour?
The wheel chair ground up the ramp.
below are background notes that I find as I am researching the story line.
A strontium clock, 5 billion years?
U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Colorado only loses or gains a second every 3.7 billion years. And the NIST strontium clock, unveiled earlier this year, will be that accurate for 5 billion years—longer than the current age of the Earth. Such super-sensitive atomic clocks help with GPS navigation, telecommunications and surveying.
For reference please contact me. This blog site does not allow references.
quantum key distribution (QKD).
A standard computer encodes information as a string of binary digits, or bits. Quantum computers supercharge processing power because they use quantum bits, or qubits, which exist in a superposition of states—until they are measured, qubits can be both "1" and "0" at the same time.
Still, NASA and Google have teamed up to form the Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab based on a D-Wave Two. And scientists at the University of Bristol last year hooked up one of their traditional quantum chips to the Internet so anyone with a web browser can learn quantum coding.
Humans aren't the only ones making use of quantum mechanics. One leading theory suggests that birds like the European robin use the spooky action to keep on track when they migrate. The method involves a light-sensitive protein called cryptochrome, which may contain entangled electrons. As photons enter the eye, they hit the cryptochrome molecules and can deliver enough energy to break them apart, forming two reactive molecules, or radicals, with unpaired but still entangled electrons. The magnetic field surrounding the bird influences how long these cryptochrome radicals last. Cells in the bird's retina are thought to be very sensitive to the presence of the entangled radicals, allowing the animals to effectively 'see' a magnetic map based on the molecules.
Schrödinger's Cat
And observe it they did! With a technique called two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy, researchers saw molecules in simultaneous excited states — quantum weirdness akin to a cat being alive and dead at the same time. What's more, the effect lasted exactly as long as theories predicted it, suggesting this evidence of quantum biology will last. As the authors succinctly put it, "Thus, our measurements provide an unambiguous experimental observation of excited-state vibronic coherence in the FMO complex." What could be simpler?
The results shed light (haha) on how to harvest energy from light, and the team thinks they're "generally applicable" to a variety of systems, living and non-living alike. This means it could result in engineering benefits such as better solar panels, energy storage or even quantum computers. And, of course, updated textbooks for tomorrow's lessons on photosynthesis.
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