Today we decided to take the bikes to Seaford (to save biking up a big big hill that is very narrow with lots of traffic and no bike path) to ride along beach front to the Marina in Newhaven. As soon as we got near the beach front it was obvious that it was not going to be much fun as there was a very strong headwind. We retreated to a cafe to get a coffee and decide what to do. After the coffee we decided to leave the vehicles where they were and do a ride inland (with the wind behind us) This plan required us to ride up 'high and over' big long hill but at least the wind helped push us along. We rode over the top and then lots of downhill into Alfriston. A quick look around at the amount of 'tourists' helped us decide to keep going a bit further to the 'Sussex Ox' (where we had a quick pint the day before) and have lunch. Food was quite good ( after Linda sent her burnt chicken livers back) and the beer (Harveys) was great! Feeling much refreshed we rode back home via a much flatter route and then took another car into Seaford to pick up the vehicles. All these rides have (in spite of the beer refreshments) helped me undo some of the damage to my waistline caused by too much eating and drinking and too little exercise.
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