Stephen's latest entry
Port Douglas, Queensland
Well woke up this morning to the thought of packing and going home. We retrieved our cases and packed all the clothes we did not use (most of them!) and the few that we did. We had a final coffee aboard Katsumi - our home for the last 10 days before loading up and heading for Cairns for lunch prior to going to the airport for our flight hom…
avril & ross Looks amazing but you all look half naked, we're in layers of jumpers in wet freezing cold MR - just enjoy yourselves, don't worry about us! xx
re: Port Douglas, QueenslandLyndy Oh no! at least you are on the same flight, lol. I bet where she is going she won't even need clothes! x
re: one day to golynn Villefranche.......My favourite place in France....jealous
re: Back On The Road Amsterdam, Spain, NetherlandsAvril Oh to be in england very nostalgic snaps enjoy the speckled hen! Drive safe in your lovely limo weather looks amazing we are freezing! Look forward to Sveeden pics much love Av & Ross xx
re: On The Road, UKlynn Hooray got the blog, could have found it myself after all, but didnot know how to do it, do now, oops. Really showing my lack of techno skills. Keep up all this pie and pint in the pub stuff and you will be able to replace the tyres on the merc as michelin men!!Yes am jealous, enjoy Sveden...
re: On The Road, UKlynn phillips Hi happy campers,have just read your blog not in correct order, you know me and the machine, takes all day to figure it out.But I got the gist, youre just eating and drinking all the bloody time, and enjoying it too.Wait till you get home , that will wipe the smiles off your faces.....ha ha....ha ha....ha ha
re: West Dean, UK