Very early start this morning our alarm woke us at 5am (still dark) after a cup of tea I took 'Buddy' for his walk in the forest before quickly getting ready to leave at 6.00am. We all travelled to Dover in the 'holiday wheels' following Reg's directions around every bend in every country lane! Mind you we did arrive on time to join the front of the priority line to board the P&O 'Pride of Burgundy' ferry bound for Calais. We enjoyed a glass of champagne and a light breakfast in the club lounge before checking out the rest of the ship and getting information on lunch options in France (actually they were not much help) Reg's business partner Mike suggested going to Le Touquet. So that's where we headed it was a bit over an hour south of Calais. Unfortunately it started raining on the way. Fortunately it had just about stopped by the time we arrived and we were just in time to see the last hour of their street market. There were all sorts of clothing, home product, food and collectibles stalls. After strolling around the market stalls for a while the stallholders started packing up so we decided to start looking for a suitable lunch venue. There were lots of cafes with street side dining but with big crowds, lots of them smoking and the threat of rain returning we ended up getting a table right in the prime position in a more upmarket fish restaurant called Perard. The food was very good and the dishes were of appropriate size, which is more than I can say about The seafood 'boat' two guys from Essex had ordered while their wives were across the road having a coffee and sandwich!!!! We laughed at the look on their faces when this massive boat co taint lobsters, crabs, prawns, oysters and much much more all in their shells was delivered to their table. It was obvious they had (slightly) over ordered by the look on their faces and the fact they photographed it all. It was certainly a conversation starter.
After a fairly long lunch we strolled back to the car with plans to visit another town on the way back to Calais, which we told was nice. Add the rain, traffic jams and slow windy roads it took us quite a long time to get there only to be disappointed. So off we drove to Calais where it was still raining and we did not really find anywhere we wanted to stop, so we went to the port where stopped in a bar for a drink Reg and Linda ordered cocktails. Reg did not read the heading above his chosen cocktail (Sans Alcohol) Ha Ha.
By the time we had finished our drinks it was time to return to the Ferry Terminal. We decided to take a one hour later ferry than planned so that we could go on the new ferry 'Spirit of Britain) Reg wanted the opportunity to check out the advertised cruise ship luxury. It did not live up to that with lots of vibrations and not much luxury. I think I will stick to the tunnel. We spent the journey in the restaurant food was OK but pretty basic. Once off the ferry we headed home via the longer but just as quick motorway option arriving home at 11.30pm very tired after a long day and a lot of driving.
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