Anne had some huge waves in her backpack ;-) finally some bigger waves, maybe a little to big for me though… Anne and I shared our room with Stina and Maria (Swedish girls) and Diana (American). All really nice girls and we had lots of fun together hanging out at the beach. Later in the week TJ (friend of Diana) stayed for two nights as well as Felix (friend fo Diana, German). On Wednesday, Anne and I went to an amazing pizza place (she remembered that place from the last time she went to Manly) and we had some pizza and wine. After that we went out to the Steyne Hotel/bar. I nearly didn't get in, because I didn't bring my ID (seriously, nobody will think that I'm younger than 18 or 21!). We had some beer and danced a little and had a tequila shot and Anne had some more beer and she got drunk haha… I met the Chinese guy again (Tommy), who had the guitar at Shelly Beach. It was karaoke night, so he had lots of fun singing. On Thursday we slept in late and had a little (well BIG) surf after that. Just chilling on the beach with everybody and of course the yoga for surfers course in the evening (together with Anne). More surfing on Friday and on Saturday Roxanne (French girl) came to visit me. She bought a surfboard and had a go while I teached Stina and Marie to surf. In the evening I watched the movie Sleepers together with Anne and Sunday we had another movie night in our room: we watched Walk the line. I was really active on Sunday and even went for a run with Felix: on the beach, barefoot. I was surprised by the fact that I kept on running for nearly 45 minutes! Monday was Anne's last day and we went to the beach. She couldn't surf, because her eyes were burned, but I had a go. After taking the ferry to Sydney I took Anne to the train and I went to the opera house. We (Kaz, Fernande, Marine, Laurent, Claudia, Karen, Roxanne, Pete…etc…) had tickets for The four Seasons - Vivaldi by Europa Galante. It was really nice to see the concert hall and the concert was beautiful. After the concert we went for a pizza and I took the ferry back home, where I was shown some magic (card tricks) by Magician Matt, whose also staying at the hostel. Yesterday was all about finding a job and I applied for a job at the surf shop and I passed by the surf school again, where they said they're definitely going to call me when the season is really going to begin (two more weeks…)… Diana left the hostel on Sunday and Emily arrived Monday. Emuly is English and also on a working holiday. We went to see Burn after reading in the cinema yesterday (cheap Tuesday, only 10 dollars / 5 euro's) : a really funny movie from the Coen brothers (brother where art thou) with George Clooney, John Malkovich and Brad Pitt. Today it's raining, but 30 degrees and sun tomorrow :-)
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