Hey guys,
Sorry I havent updated this for awhile, I thought I had written a new entry and it turns out that I was dreaming (I even remember writing the blog, i dont know what happened, maybe it didnt save properly) :P So anyway last Saturday a group of us went to the NC State Fair. Its just like the Royal Show back home but with more fried food, smaller and no showbags. But it was still cool to go, we went at night so the atlmosphere was pretty cool. And we got to see the fireworks which was pretty cool! But the amount of fried food that they have at the fair is ridiculus! Anything and everything...pecan pie, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, oreos, bananas, cheesecake and the list goes on. It was like a heart attack waiting to happen!!! Lol But I just had cheescake dipped in chocolate which was yummy :)
And then on the Monday night at the Salvation Army shelter we had a Halloween night for the kids. They got to dress up and we had games, face painting etc. The kids had a great time I think and they were all so excited! But cleverly we gave them the lollies and candy at the end when they were going upstairs to go to bed with their mums! So we missed the sugar highs :P Alex and I were on face painitng and even though I am not very good at it the kids loved getting it done! So it was great to spend some time with them that didnt involve homework or worksheets! There are some new kids at the shelter aswell so it was great to get to know them!
That is all for now!
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