Hi guys,
Sorry havent posted much for the last little while. Life is crazily busy and not that much to report.
But now I have a little news to report. Last Saturday night my roommates church organised a big worship concert on one of the fields in the middle of campus. it was so awesome! They played all the Hillsong music I am used to singing and it was a great atmosphere to be outside at night worshiping! So that was a great night.
Then on Sunday i went to gym practise again and I did a backflip! Yay but I have a coach spot me and he was like you really dont need me to stand here and I was like, yes I do! So hopefully soon I shall be able to do it myself.
Monday night was really interesting. As part of one of my courses, Community Psych, we have to do 30 hours of volunteer work at the local Salvation Army here in Raleigh. Its a shelter for mums and their kids, and we would be working with the kids. So on Monday night Alex and I set out on the bus...walked through the dodgiest part of downtowm and arrived at the Salvos.
Basically what we did was helped the kids living there with their homework and if they dont have any, they each have their own folder with exercises to do it them. It was actually a really great night! All the kids we so friendly and hardworking. When Alex and I first went upstairs we met some of the kids and they all have us hugs and ask what our names were and all that. So anyway I shall keep you all posted on how that goes.
Tuesday night was small group night from church. We just went to our leadershouse and chatted. Tonight Emily and I went to an International Bible Study run by our church here. It was really interesting coz it was for international students that wanted to know more about Christianity so it was great to hear their questions and I learned alot.
On Saturday I am going to my first American Football game so there shall be many photos of all that! On that note more photos are coming soon :)
Im off to bed, night all!
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