Hi Levras and I would just like to say that we hope you hade a wonderful birthday. I am sure that your friends help you make it a special one not being at home with the family and friends. Hope you are still enjoying yourself. Luv Levras and Glenda
Iskandar Sharazuddin
Sam ... I love how you omit details from your blogs. Its very ... noble of you. Ah the stories we could tell but don't.
Also ... 11 degress is a good temperature. I have acclimatised to believe that to be a decent day without wind. God help me when I return to Perth, I think I will shrivel up and turn pruneified.
P.S: At least we still read each-others sites. Heh
Hey Sam,
Iskandar Sharazuddin
Yo! I had like a local Royal Show near me as well. It was a travelling fair ground that went to all the towns and villages. Good stuff! Samkin I need to talk to you:
You haven't been working and now that you have you stand around talking and not actually getting anything physically testing going on. That and you are subjected to awful American foods all the time. Please keep hiking we need a slim trim Sam to return to Jungle Gym! Ha ha ha :P In all seriousness with my not working out or doing ANYTHING and consistently eating I feel I may beat you to the obese mark.
P.S: Please champion the democrats for your roomate! Republicans can't be trusted, spread the word.
*For those I have insulted .. the large and the republicans I apologise profusely. No personal distaste for you at all*
Miss your company Sam, stay well!
Hey Sam!
Just thought I'd drop you a line to say hey! Looks like you are having an absolute blast.....Hope the studying is not interfering with the holiday too much =P
Keep on keeping us updated...I love to read what you've been up to and the photo's are great....can't wait till I leave now....counting down the days! See you soon!
Hi Sam, I cannot understand american football but they are so passionate about it. We had a spring tides and really high seas a couple of weeks ago and our beautiful beach where you and Kirsty and your mom went is no more. The water has washed all the sand away and where there was once sand it is now water lapping at the wall. The boardwalk was also badly damaged as was the whole of our beachfront roads. Rocks etc so the Gonubie residents are having a clean up to try and prepare for the Christmas rush. At least no lives were lost. Have a great time. Luv from sunny South Africa - Levras and Glenda
Hey. I take it you heard about the Thai trip? It's devastating. Especially because I got to know Crombie on year 11 camp. Shannon, I don't think you know her, is in hospital but she is okay. Suret got shocked, but she's fine, she's at the hotel. Apparently they're all feeling really horrible but are okay. Michelle, Sarah, Carly, Suret and Brieann are all there...
I found out just before I went onstage for Gypsies last night, and was bawling my eyes out, but I made it through Gypsies, fast change into Diamonds, Diamonds then Sam's speech. Then I went backstage, told Dez, got on the phone to Tahlia (who had told me) and cried. Cried a lot today in church as well. I'll tell you it all in detail tonight, hopefully.
Anyhows, looks like you're having a lot more fun than me. Msn/Skype tonight, okays? Love you xoxox
Iskandar Sharazuddin
Hi There!
Thought I'd drop you another line here, despite frequent FaceBook discourse and the fact we totally just skyped! So very glad to hear your still enjoying all you can. Landing on your head included.
Keep the posting up and the wonderful archive of photos that is consistently building up. I hope my travel site gets as much love as yours does! Look at all these people who adore you, sheesh!
Keep the impulse running high Samkin.
Hey sam!
wow! you look like you're having the best time over there! I'm so very jealous lol! I hope you're enjoying every minute of it :D keep us posted!
kate xox
Who's Alex?
Lovely wakeup call you got there.
I'll be on at about 11.30 or so, I'm going to Rampage but hopefully will be back so I can talk to you since the oh-so-lovely parentals forced me off last night.
I want to tell you about the concert! And cheerleading!
Well, you're on now.
NYC was full of awesomeness yah?
Uni shall be funfunfun.
Josh is here tonight...and last night...
What did you end up getting me from NYC? Aha.
I want to speak to you. Go online.
Hi Sam, You seem to be having the most amazing time and seeing so much. What are the people like in New York. This is such a great experience for you.