So here we are again, another blog entry with nothing much to say.
I was working the earlier shift last week so that's 8.30 - 5.15. Hate getting up so early but I like being home for 6 o'clock. It means I can get the hostel $4 dinner and hang out for longer before going to bed!
Tuesday is quiz night at the hostel and I played in a team with Kim and Brendan. We won the first round but then did pathetically after that. It all went down hill when Brendan had to go to work! Brendan is my friend who lives in the bed next to me in the dorm. He just started a new job at a bar and was working 10pm - 4am Mon - Wed last week. This meant I got so little sleep last week as I was expecting to be woken up at 5am when he got in as I would be in a light sleep by then and what with the door banging and the squeaking beds I would be sure to wake up! As it was I barely slept a wink each night waking up every couple of hours! I think I was a tired as him and I had to work in the daytime!
Thursday night I went out with mates from work. It was ANZAC day in Friday so we didn't have to go to work. We started off in the pub across the road from work and then went in to the city to another pub with cheaper drinks and a DJ and dance floor. I ended up walking home as I couldn't get a cab. I think I got in about 3am.
Friday I got up late and then just went with Brendan to see if we could find pieces of his phone on the pavement as he'd broken it the night before, I found the buttons but he wanted his memory stick. We didn't have any luck there. We then went to Subway to get some food before going back to the room for a rest after all then activity! I later found another friend who I work with, Forrest, in the bar as then I went to the shop with him before going back to my room. That night I went to the hostel bar with Brendan and some others from my room, Katie, Dennis and Rex. It got a bit messy in the bar and glasses were being broken etc. Me, Dennis and Brendan ended up going out and we went to the bar where Brendan works before heading downstairs to another bar where we paid $20 to get in as there was some DJ playing but it was a bit rubbish. We had fun though and had a bit og a boogie. Brendan was trying to teach me some techno dance moves! Unsurprisingly I was useless! Dennis ended up metting a friend in another bar and me and Brendan went to Macca's and then back to the bar before going home about 5.30am.
Saturday I met up with Rob who I met at Cooee and we had lunch with a couple of others. Did a bit of shopping - just the neccesities - and then went back to the hostel.
Saturday night we all went to the bar and then went to a bar in the city called The Lounge where the music was still crap but better than the night before! Again got in late.
Had a lazy day yesterday. Didn't get up until 3pm!
At work now. Need to go as start in 5 mins!
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