Well today was my first proper day at work. Thursday and Friday was just training. It was very boring! Most people calling I had to refer elsewhere and I only took 30 calls each lasting not even 5 mins all day - that's 8 hours! There's nothing to do when I'm not on a call except chat, stare in to space, stare at the screen or watch the clock! Can't believe it. Hope it gets better. At least I get paid $100 a day and I've only got 59 more days to go! Bring it on!
Over the weekend I did nothing except on Saturday I had to move hostels. This new one is much better except the kitchen's tiny and there are only 8 computers for the internet and only 5 that work! There's more of an atmosphere here and the bathrooms are cleaner.
The weather has got better here now that I'm working! Is fine during the day and hitting about 22 degrees. It's lovely here at the mo as the leaves are falling off the trees and it's a proper autumn. Not looking forward to it getting cold since I sent my coat home! Duh! Thought I wouldn't need it again. Will just have to wear a few jumpers and my waterproof jacket.
Was invited to go to Neighbours night again tonight but I can't be getting in at midnight and getting up at 6.30. Not yet anyway! Will wait until I'm getting more used to getting up early and maybe I'll have a Tuesday where I have one of the later shifts and I won't have to get up at the crack of dawn. I can start at 8.30am or as late as 10.45am. That would be a good day to have gone out the night before.
Am hoping to go swimming at the weekend. There's a huge olympic pool complex here with 7 pools or something and I might check it out. Think there's a nearer one too and I think its a 23m one so I might be able to do more lengths! Would like to go every week so that I can get fitter and maybe with the 10 min walk to and from the station every day I might get to lose some weight! Would be nice. I'm certainly not eating as much as I was at home but I'm not eating particularly healthy food. I'm sure it's not too bad!
Well don't really have any more to add. Am leading a pretty boring life right now! Is stupid since I'm in Australia!! Should try and do more.
Well hope everyone's well.
Love Rach xxx
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