On Wednesday I went on the Neighbours Tour which was so cool!! We got picked up in a bus painted so that everyone know what we were doing! We got some very strange looks! We were taken to see the school first. It's a real school and really didn't look very familiar. Its very small! We had our pictures taked with an Erinsborough High sign outside the gates. We then went to the studios backlot to see the outside sets for Grease Monkeys and Carpenters Motors. Very small and very dirty! Don't think they've done any filming there for a while based on the amount of dust and spiders' webs. There's also the bus stop there that everyone leaves from if they're going anywhere. If it had been the weekend we could have gone to Lassiters but they film there during the week. The next bit was the best cos we went to Ramsay Street! It's really, really small and the houses are really close together. I took pictures of all the houses and had my picture taken with the Ramsay Street sign in front of the Kennedy's house! It was really strange to be there! May as well have been sat on Arthur's bench in Albert Square! Really wierd but very cool. We were then taken to meet a "star" and it was only Janelle again! I wasn't very pleased - especially since we had to wait 10 mins in the bus for our surprise guest and I was busting to go to the loo! I went pretty soon after she arrived without it seeming really rude and legged it to the loo in McDonalds! I then went to the exciting supermarket and bought exciting food!
It was "Rock Night" at the hostel so we had a rock quiz that I was useless at since my music trivia knowledge is appalling! But we did get free drinks and then we were taken down to 'The Espy' to watch a gig. The bands were really good. Great guitars and drums. I quite a lot and then we moved on to another bar but it was crap so we only had one drink there before going to another that was much better and having an indie rock night so the music was good. I drank some more there and then we went home in a taxi about 4 am apparently although I was oblivious to the time shall we say! I went straight to bed and stayed there until about 4pm the next day recuperating!
Yesterday was Good Friday and I decided to explore Chapel Street which had really cool independent shops and cafes but it was all closed for the holiday! How rubbish! In some ways its quick civilised unlike in the UK when you have to open every bank holiday except xmas! But it was a bit rubbish just looking in the outside of windows! So I got the train in to the city and wondered round there for a change of scenery! I then got a tram home, the long way round again to see a different side of the city. WE came past Albert Park and they haven't finished taking the grandstands down yet from last weekend! Its a bit slow since they were taking down the parking restriction signs on Sunday evening only 2 hours after the race ended! Last night I just had a sandwich for tea but it was a good sandwich! Cheese, tomato, salad and mayo. Mmmm! I was full and then I ate sausages off the free BBQ! I really shouldn't have done that I was about to burst! I watched a bit of TV and then there was karaoke. Which was actually SingStar on the Playstation so you sang against someone else and were scored on acuracy! I sang Johhny Cash - Ring of Fire and sucked! It's too low! And then Madonna - Papa Don't Preach that wasn't that bad since I know the song really well. Also I sang against a boy so I won that one! It was fun though!
Haven't really done anything today apart from going to the supermarket to buy only a couple of bit but it came to $80 - how come all your toiletries run out at once?! Have just read a magazine and been on the internet today. Am not feeling too good. Apparently there's flu going round the hostel which isn't nice. Really don't want to be ill again! Will make sure I have lots of vitamins!
Well I don't have any plans for the weekend or the week ahead. It's a bit wierd being in the same place for so long and not having anything to do. After a while you run out of things to fill your day with! Only a week and a half before I start working full time which will be okay. After three months not going to work it's probably about time I did something productive - even if it is just answering the phone! Probably will be wishing for another holiday after 3 months! Or 3 days! Having to get up before 11am! How nasty.
Am looking for somewhere to live at the moment. There seem to be a few rooms to let but it's finding somewhere reasonably close to work and the city that I can afford! Then I need to meet the people to see if I want to live with them! Have found somewhere that looks really nice but it's a bit too expensive. It's a room and my own bathroom within a duplex penthouse apartment right in the city overlooking the Parliament which is handy for work as I can get the train only 2 stops and then walk for 5/10 mins to get to work. Only thing is that it's $250 a week but that includes a car parking space and the guy says in the ad that it's cheaper if you don't need to park so I've emailed asking how much cheaper?! In the hostel here I've been paying $175 p/w and the next hostel is $161 so don't really want to go up that high as I won't be able to save up. Have seen another place for $180 which is more like it but it's sharing with a Malaysian couple which will prob make me feel like a gooseberry! Would rather share with single people or people who's partners live somewhere else! Will keep looking at the ads and then I'll have to go and look around. It's all fun! Give me practise for when I get home anyway! Since I'll be homeless! But I will have to stay somewhere free (hint hint!) for a while until I get a job and save up enough for rent and deposit.
Anyways. I'm rabbitting again.
Will update again if I do anything interesting!
By the way - people can text me if they like my mobile number is: 614050495696 (BTW This includes the international code etc so you'd just put in this number no need to add anything or take anything away!)
It costs me about 30p to send texts to UK so might not be that much vice versa (Sarah you tight arse! - lol!)
Okay. TTFN!!!
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