can you give ME phone nos and other details needed so I can ring STA in canterbury?
luv mum
p.s. painting will be finished this weekend!
KL looks amazing, glad we can't smell it. Glad also you're giving Thailand a miss. take care
love Mum, Dad and Sarah xxx
Auntie Alison
Hi Rachel,
glad to see you are having SUCH a good time!! Are you going to Thailand after Singapore? Don't know whether you have been watching the news - there has been a bit of disruption at the airports (protesters?) Might need to check it out???
Cant wait to see the tattoo when you get back!
love AA
- Helloo! Nope haven't seen the news have no idea what's happening in the world. Should be in Thailand in a few weeks. Will have a look to see what's up?
Auntie Katie
Wonderful photos - just been looking at them with Granma and Grandpa - very impressive ....... did you get my email sent about 10 days ago? Look forward to your next blog!
Lots of love as ever, Auntie Katie, Josh, Granma and Granpa xxxx
what fantastic photos! your father wld be proud to take those himself!
we're off to beverley's 50th birthday party tomoz.
luvya mum and dad xx
glad to know you're still alive!
doing cleaning won't kill you and will make you appreciate better things.
love you lots
mum and dad xx
p.s. good luck with job hunting!
hey you!
how are you getting on?? wheres your next stop? im in hong kong at the mo and i remember you saying that you wer heading towards Asia. i'll be in thailand next week. so if your anywher near me...let me know so we can meet up!
love Carmen x
and there was me thinking you would be more serious now you're working.
remember what i said in the email.
glad you're ok though
love mum x
------ Mum, Why would I be more serious?! I'm having the best time ever! I actually have a social life here and a big group of friends!
Heyoo Rach,
Are you ever gonna be anywhere that's cheaper to get to? Lol just a thought...
Good to hear you're enjoying your job!! LOL!!
Love you muchly, love SjL xxxxxxxxx
well, i hope you're over the neighbours thing now!
the job sounds quite interesting but scary at the same time -remember - you need the money
love ya
mum x
Auntie Katie
Just been looking at your photos - they are great.... I'm going to show them to Granma tonight she will be delighted to see the ones of the neighbours gang as she is a big fan!!! Continue enjoying yourself - I'm sure you will..... lots and lots of love Auntie Katie xxxxx Granma and Granpa send lots of love too! PS Josh enjoyed beating your Dad at table football on Sunday when he came to visit Granpa for his birthday..... Josh looking forward to beating you when you come home.....!
just as well you're starting work soon, about time you stopped having so much fun and got back to the real world!
had a couple view the house today, complete time wasters - didn't help that i have met them before, having taught their son, but they didn't seem to recognise me and i didn't say anything.
weather has been changeable here, with emphasis on wind, rain and cold.