Hello again.
It's still hot here. Weather forcast as follows: Today 32, Thurs 35, Fri 38!! Is very hot. Went to register at a temping agency that specialises in getting travellers work. So is quite promising although its busy here at the mo becuase the weather elsewhere in the country has been rubbish! Have had to buy myself some officy clothing since I have none! I couldn't even have brought any with me from home if I had room in my backpack since I own none! Well I now have one white shirt, one pair of black trousers, one black dress, two nice tshirts and two pairs of shoes. One sensible, one not! And most definately for office work where sitting is the main aim of the game! But I look great with the black pinafore dress over the white shirt and the heels on! I actually look like a grown up!
Went to the beach on Monday as it was Labour Day so noone was working. Where's the logic in that?! On Friday I'm going to Ramsay St on the Neighbours tour so I'm really looking forward to that. Is all so exciting! On Monday I'm going to a Neighbours Trivia Night where there will be "stars" present. They're not famous here really as Aussies don't watch it! Just us Poms! I think it makes them lots of money.
Got annoyed today as I went for an interview at the Rydges hotel for a housekeeping job. It was one of those where you don't have to apply you just turn up for the interview. So I had to get the tram up there and I was 30 mins early so I waited in reception. Luckily as my name was the first on the list having been so early I was first in. I handed the woman my CV to be told straight away that they weren't interested as I can only work there 6 months as a condition of my visa. It didn't say that I couldn't apply on the advert and this is what I told her as I was quite pissed off actually having made the effort to get to the hotel. She said that I potentially could be right and she said that maybe it should have stated that on the ad. I was not impressed to say the least and I didn't even want the bloody job! It's cleaning for God's sake! Its just the principle. At least all the other jobs I've applied for - and there are many!- will just ignore me if they're not interested. My CV clearly says I'm on a working holiday visa looking for work for up to 6 months.
Am thinking of extended my stay here if I can get temping work, which seems posible because they pay $20 an hour and even nett on a 40 hour week this amounts to about $600 per week take home which is almost double what I was getting at home! And the agency that I went to today also assist with getting sponsorship with companies so they could get me a visa to stay as long as I keep the job. Very cool.
If I can work here for longer then I could do SE Asia in less time. I would like to spend some time here now I'm here as I can only get one working holiday visa in my life so I don't want to waste it by only staying 6 months when I could stay for 12. I still need to come home before xmas though as although I can alter the dates of my flights the ticket is only valid for 12 months so unless I want to buy another ticket - which unless I get sponsorship in a career that I can see myself doing longterm - I don't want to do/can't afford to do! So don't worry you still need to buy me xmas pressies!!!
Anyways, I'm rambling again. Need to buy a new journal as I only have about 6 pages left of the one from xmas. Keep writing too much. Think I will buy some cheap note books so I can write as much as I want although it won't be as cool or attractive as my lovely journal (Thanks Nanna and Grandad!). And I may need a small diary too to organise my busy life! It's hard to keep track of what day it is when you're not doing anything and if I'm going to be getting temping work, moving hostels then it may help to get the right days!
Ok am done now...
Wuv U xxx
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