So here I am in the land that is Oz. It's hot and all the grass if brown. The hostel is on a busy road but it's not loud inside compared to the more central hostels I've stayed at. It's a 10 minute walk to the centre of St Kilda and the beach and a 30 minute tram ride in to the city centre. I really like it here. If someone told me I'de have to stay here forever I wouldn't argue! The city is busy and cosmopolitan yet not too big. There is modern architecture mixed in with the old. I went to the State Library today and its a huge stone building with a big dome. Its very grand.
I arrived yesterday morning at 9am and was in the hostel by 10.40am but I had to leave my stuff here and come back at 2pm to check in to my room. So hot and tired I wondered off in to St Kilda centre in my jeans, t shirt and trainers! I walked down to the beach and had a walk along the sand. I spotted some big blue jellyfish washed up on the beach. I'm assuming this isn't a poisonous type since people were still swimming! The water was really cold though so they must have been numb!
I then wondered down the main street and popped in to the bank and opened a bank account. I'd bought a SIM card at the airport so having only been in the country 3 hours I'd got an Aussie phone number, a current account and savings account! Not bad work if I say so myself! When I got in to my room I unpacked in to my under bed drawer as living out of a backpack is really annoying! I then went in to the CDB in the afternoon and had a walk round. In the evening I just went online and then went to bed. I was so tired having been up since 3am and it's two hours behind NZ here so it's as if I'd been up since 1am and I went to bed at 10pm!
Today I slept in until about 11am and then I had breakfast and made some sandwichs to take with me in to the city. I had to go to the Immigration office to collect my visa label. Luckily I only waited for 40 mins but I spoke to this one guy from Indonesia who's trying to extend his student visa and he'd been there since 11.30am, it was 2pm! I wished him good luck! I then went shopping for some work clothes. I managed to pick up some black trousers for $20 in the sale and a white shirt for $30 in Target. The trousers are far too long though so I might have to try and take them up! Should be interesting to see how straight that hem will be! May take them somewhere to be altered! I just need to buy some shoes. I looked but all I came away with was flip flops! Two pairs of Rip Curl ones for $25. I got the last 2 pairs of size 9s (thats size 40 - my feet aren't that big)! They were all huge as its coming in to Autumn now.
Have been trying to find a job. I've applyed for a few now and I hope that something will come up interview-wise. Am thinking that I'll stay here in Melbourne for about 3 months before moving on the Sydney for about a month and then I'll do the rest of the East coast with Oz Experience hop-on-hop-off bus in my last 6 weeks here. There seems to be quite a few jobs here and I don't want to move on too quickly in case I can't find work anywhere else!
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