So i finally arrive at the project centre having navigated my way through cairns to find different busses and working out bus times and stf! first time really walking for long periods with my bag on back so was soaking by the time i made it! for once i wasnt first and on my own for ages.... i was second! hehe
what are the odds that the girl who beat me there is english, and after a little time tlking turns out she is starting at plymouth uni in septembre aswel? how crazy!
the next two to arrive were a couple from Korea! then got joined by a guy from Germany then a girll from Germany. Later on in the hostel another Korean couple and an american girl joined us to make up out team of 9! we have 2 days bonding before we get sent on our project!
i wont go into details about it now for time, but it involves a long journey well into the rainforest for a week which is kl! but wat would you know, i didnt need my sleeping bag, role mat or mozzie net! so none of the things i had packed specifically for this project which took up loads of space! how annoying! lol
things seem alot better now though! im alot happier now i have ppl i know! and we do all seem to get on really well which is good :)
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