WWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO what can i say... skydiving is crazy and IMENSE!!!!
So it was yet again an early morning, being picked up at 7am, im getting used to these early starts, but this one i knew would be worth it! I tried sleeping in the 2 hr journey to Mission Beach but my nerves got the better of me!
Arriving there it pretty much sunk in from the word go what was happening! Although everything got put on hold because of bad weather conditions! this gave me opportunity to play some hardcore connect 4 making to very good friends which was kl:) BFF as they put it! hehe
However it wasnt too long before we heard you guys are going in an hour! suddenly it all kicked back in what we would be doing! I tried to hide my fears as the other 2 were soo nervous and it worked to calm me aswel... until i started putting on the gear, i was too nervous to try and hide it all! but by this time it was too late for anyone to turn bk... not that i was going to!
So you get strapped into the plane with a tiny buckle im sure would never hold you! when its your turn, you sit on the edge of a Perfectly good plane at 14000ft with your legs dangling over the edge 3,2,1 and your falling, picking up speeds of 200kmph as your plumit to the ground! we were above clouds so couldnt see anything. That was so scary going through the cloud and stang real bad as the water hit your face, but coming through you suddenly get a breathtaking picture of the land, sea and reef... well it would be breathtaking, if you had any air in your lungs!
Once the parachute is pulled everything slows down, after a little bit of me steering i was able to just admire the view, no picture could ever show it in its true beauty. Amazing!
One on the ground leg were like jelly although all i wanted to do was jump around going crazy! it was soo amazing! worth every penny! i was recommend to anyone! it is scary for anyone so being afraid of heights is no excuse... your too high up for it to matter :)
WOOOO sooo gd! :)
for those of you who dont know i have booked in to do my PADI open water diving as well which will be done on the reefs as well which is pretty cool :)
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