So my second week is now complete! Nothing like as exciting or adventurous as my first week which was a shame but once again a great experience. So this week we were based in a volunteer house which was an exciting prospect although in reality i would have rathered been on an away project! The team doesnt bond nearly aswel... although that could have been the team i was joined only by the German guy from last week which was cool but a new German girl came and althuogh we were in a 3 they spoke alot of German to each other which sucked. There were thena group of 3 Taiwanese but they kept themselves to themselves for over half the week and then 2 chinease who did the same and could speak with the Tai people which was a shame.
The work we were in charge of watering which involve filling up a 1500ml tank of water and walking down hosing 1000's of newly planted trees to help them grow and moving a long heavy hose in the head in HARD work! although with only 2 hoses and maybe 2 people helping move the hoses people were able to hide from work... this week there were alot of people who did this alot... although it did make me stand out to the team leader who was very grateful for my help it was annoying to see. We also had the joys of lots more mulching! if someone in the next few years asks me to 'mulch' anything i will smack them in the face hehe although of course help them after! hehe
Although the team were very segregated we had Cassie, the same team leader as i had from week before which i was really happy about because we got on so well. Once again she broke rules for me aswel! She begged to take us on a trip which doesnt normally happen on home projects but she tooks us to Crystal Cascades, beautiful river with waterfalls and a Big rock! with 'No Fear' engraved into the side! Needless to say i jumped! it was about 40ft so a fair size jump, cassie was really cool coz were not meant to swim or anything but she turned a blind eye and i finally this time talked someone else in although of a smaller rock! SOOO worth it!
Although by the end of was looking forward to the week finishing! I have really enjoyed my time doing the CVA volunteering but i am definately ready to experience more of Australia, i also feel sorry for the people who came out and only doing CVA projects some people are doing like 5 weeks! its great for a couple but i dont think its a way to see Australia, i could be wrong ?!?!
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